Vol 16-17 (1996-1997)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Introduction PDF
Ronald Labelle

Migration and Adaptation / Les migrations et l'adaptation

Irish Famine Stories in the Ottawa Valley PDF
Michael McBane
"A Sad and Bitter Day" Oral Traditions in the Bay Islands of Honduras Surrounding the Wyke Cruz Treaty of 1859 PDF
Heather R. McLaughlin
Experiences of Migration, Settlement and Work Among Filipino Domestic Workers PDF
Catherine J. Fillmore

Oral History Projects / Projets d'histoire orale

Oral History as Process: The CBC Experience PDF
Ernest J. Dick
L'unité d'histoire orale de Tunisie - ce que la mémoire peut apporter a l'histoire PDF
Habib Kazadghli

Methodology / Méthodologie

International Oral History Research As Vocation: Inquiry and Confusion - Teaching and Learning Oral History Methods PDF
Robert A. Sargent
La transmission du patrimoine culturel familial: nouvelles orientations méthodologiques PDF
Ronald Labelle

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Seth Eastman; A Portfolio of North American Indians by Sarah E. Boehme PDF
Harold McGee
Dahcotah; Life and Legends of the Sioux by Mary Henderson Eastman PDF
Harold McGee
Unravelling the Franklin Mystery. Innuit Testimony by David C. Woodman PDF
Michelle Daveluy
Saltwater women at Work by Vickie Jensen PDF
Kathleen Tudor
Mémoires d'un village. Laterriére, Saguenay (1900-1960) by Camil Girard and Gervais Tremblay PDF
Donald Deschênes
Acadian Life in Chezzetcook by Ronald Labelle; The Birthplace of New Scotland: An Illustrated History of Pictou County, Canada's Cradle of Industry by Judith Hoegg Ryan PDF
Margaret Harry
Brief Notices / Notices brèves PDF
Back Issues / Numéros antérieurs PDF

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