Vol 28 (2008)

Volume 27-28 covers 2007-2008. It is the journal's first online volume.

Table of Contents

Editorial Notes

Editorial Note to Volumes 27-28 (2007-8) PDF
Alexander Freund, Nolan Reilly

Oral History in the World

“There Are a Lot of People Now Who See Themselves As Historical Subjects” An Interview with Alistair Thomson MP3 PDF
Alexander Freund
The Development of Theory and Method in Czech Oral History After 1989 PDF MP3
Miroslav Vanêk
“Our Attempt is to go Deep to the Society and Understand the Generation Problem, the Gender Problem, etc.”: An Interview with Miroslav Vanêk MP3 PDF
Alexander Freund
“There is a Disbelief in Words in Japan. But Now We Are Coming Back to the Spoken Culture.” An Interview with Tomoyo Nakao MP3 PDF
Alexander Freund


What Happens to the Oral History You Create? PDF
Wilma MacDonald


Do Ethics Boards and Committees Pose a Threat to Critical Research? PDF
Christopher Leo


Like Our Mountains by Isabel Kaprielian-Churchill PDF
Janis Thiessen
Choosing to Labour? by Wolfgang Lehmann PDF
Alexander Freund
Conference Report: 15th International Oral History Conference, Guadalajara, Mexico, 23-26 September 2008 PDF
Alexander Freund

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