Vol 19-20 (1999-2000)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Abstracts / Résumé PDF
Introduction PDF
Winona Stevenson

Indigenous Voices from the Great Plains / Voix autochtones des Prairies

Calling Badger and the Symbols of the Spirit Langauges: The Cree Origins of the Syllabic System PDF
Winona Stevenson
Walking into the Future: Dakota Oral Tradition and the Shaping of Historical Consciousness
Angela Cavender Wilson
Cree Narrative Memory PDF
Neal McLeod
Oral History Methods in Native Studies: Saskatchewan Aboriginal World War Two Veterans PDF
Rob Innes
Memorials of Metis Women of Sait-Eustache, Manitoba PDF
Nicole St-Onge
Narrative Wisps of the Ochekwi Sipi Past, A Journey in Recovering Collective Memories PDF
Winona Stevenson

Oral History Projects / Projets d'histoire orale

The SIFC-CPRC Indian Film History Project Collection: The Development of an Oral History Collection PDF
Rob Nestor

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser, Loyal Till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion PDF
Brenda McDougall
Flora Beardy and Robert Coutts, Voices from James Bay: Cree Stories from York Factory PDF
Miriam McNab
Camil Girard, Culture et dynamique interculturelle: Trois femmes et trois hommes témoignent de leur vie; Anne-Marie Siméon et Camil Girard, Un monde autour de moi/Uikut shika tishun; Harry Kurtness et Camil Girard, La prise en charge PDF
Sally Ross
Contributors / Collaborateurs PDF

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