Vol 11 (1991)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Editor's Notes / Note du rédacteur PDF
James H. Morrison
Dialogue / Le Dialogue PDF
Abstracts / Les extraits PDF
Bill McNeil Honoured PDF
La grève de l'amiante entre ses mémoires et l'histoire PDF
Jocelyn Létourneau
Oral-Based Learning, Literacy, and Life: The International Literacy Year Oral History Project PDF
Brian S. Osborne
The Woman Speaks Her Mind: The Role of Oral Histories in Documenting Women's Participation in the Antigonish Movement PDF
Judith Flora MacLean
That Was a Woman's Satisfaction: The Significance of Life History for Woman-Centred Research PDF
Gail Grant


Found in the Fog of the Male Myth: Analysing Female Political Roles in Pre-Colonial Africa PDF
R. A. Sargent

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Urban History: Community of Communities PDF
James H. Morrison
L'histoire orale et l'archiviste PDF
Ronald Labelle
Canadians in the Vietnam War: Poignant but Incomplete PDF
R. A. Sargent
Word Paintings of a Japanese Town PDF
Harold Franklin McGee, Jr.
Books Received / Livres reçus PDF

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