Vol 10 (1990)

Table of Contents

Editor's Notes / Note du rédacteur PDF
Abstracts / Les extraits PDF
Oral History: The Research Reality PDF
Diana Fancher
Origins: Oral History Programmes In Canada, Britain and the United States PDF
Wilma MacDonald
Oral History and Folklore Resources at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia PDF
JoAnn Watson


Tne Icelandic Sagas: Oral Testimony and Official History PDF
Margaret Harry

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

The Stone Canoe and Other Stories by John L. Peyton; The Bear Who Stole the Chinook: Tales from the Blackfoot by Frances Fraser PDF
Diane Tye
Work, Ethnicity, and Oral History, eds. Dorothy E. Moore and James H. Morrison PDF
Myron Momryk
Books Received / Livres reçus PDF
Back Issues / Numéros antérieurs PDF

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