Vol 1 (1975-76)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Introduction PDF
Léo La Clare
The Authors / Les Auteurs PDF


Three Approaches to Oral History: The Journalistic, The Academic, and the Archival PDF
Richard Lochead
Oral History: One Historian's View PDF
Peter Oliver
Histoire orale et politique éntrangère PDF
Arthur Blanchette
The Frontier College History Project PDF
George L. Cook
An Oral History of Psychology in Canada PDF
C. R. Myers
The Role of Oral History in Museums PDF
Jane McCracken
Publication and Copyright of Oral Materials: The OISE Experience PDF
John Main
Les archives de programmes à Radio-Canada, c'est quoi? PDF
C. Y. Bourgon
Le patrimoine sonore de la radio québécoise: Une recherche personelle PDF
Pierre Pagé

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