Vol 2 (1976-77)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
The Authors / Les Auteurs PDF
Foreword / Avant-propos PDF
Léo La Clare


Oral History and Archives: Keynote Speech to the 1976 Canadian Oral History Conference PDF
Hugh A. Taylor
Banquet Speech to the 1976 Canadian Oral History Conference PDF
Peter Stursberg
Discours adressé au colloque sur l'histoire orale, 1976 PDF
Bernard Ostry
A Visual Dimension to Oral History PDF
Don Page
Family Studies a an Approach to Oral History PDF
Laurel Doucette
Oral History and the History of Canadian Art PDF
Charles C. Hill
Archivistes, historiens d'art et documents oraux PDF
Raymond Vézina
Theatre History and Oral History
Don Rubin
Preparation for an Oral Biography of Gweneth Llyod, Teacher of Dance PDF
Esmé Crampton
The CBC Radio Drama Project and its Background PDF
Howard Fink
De Christian Leden et de ses recherches au Canada, dans l'optique de l'utilisation du phonographe PDF
Jacques Gagné
Proposal for a Saskatchewan Oral History Project PDF
Robert C. Cosbey

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