Vol 4, No 1 (1979)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Foreword / Avant-propos PDF
Richard Lochead
The Authors / Les Auteurs PDF


Budgetary Restraint and Oral History PDF
Kathy Kuusisto
The Ethics of Interviewing PDF
Abbyann Lynch
The Uses of Oral History in Canadian Theatre History Research PDF
Anton Wagner
Oral History in Ethnic Studies and Implications for Education PDF
Franc Sturino
Oral History: Then and Now PDF
Robert Sellars
Le cinquième congrès annuel de la Société canadienne d'histoire orale PDF
Bruno Jean
Fifth Annual Canadian Oral History Association Conference PDF
Gary K. Hughes

News / Les nouvelles

News / Les nouvelles PDF

Association Business / Affaires de la société

The President's Message / Le mot du président PDF
James H. Morrison
Minutes of the Canadian Oral History Association Business Meeting, Held in Toronto, Ontario, October 14, 1978 PDF
Gary K. Hughes
Procès-verbal de la réunion anuelle de la société canadienne d'histoire orale, tenure à Toronto, Ontario, le 14 octobre 1978 PDF
Bruno Jean
Canadian Oral History Association Minutes of the Executive Meeting, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, March 1, 1979 PDF
Gary K. Hughes

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