Oral History Forum d'histoire orale

Oral History Forum d'histoire orale is the journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. It publishes scholarly and other contributions to the field of Oral History and Oral Tradition. If you would like to become a member of COHA and get access to the Forum, contact Janis Thiessen at janisthiessen@shaw.ca.

Why register? Registered users receive regular notifications about newly published articles and other contributions as well as information related to oral history in Canada, such as calls for papers and conference announcements. Your registration helps COHA to demonstrate our journal's significance when we apply for funding. We will not give your information or email address to any third party.


Open Call For Papers: Oral History Forum d'histoire orale is the online journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. It serves as the premier meeting place for scholars, archivists, librarians, community activists and others who use oral history in their explorations of the past and present. Oral History Forum d'histoire orale invites the submission of scholarly articles, reviews, discussions, artwork and other contributions in the field of oral history and oral tradition. Submit queries and contributions to forum@uwinnipeg.ca.

Call for Papers

Working Lives: Special Issue on Oral History and Working-Class History
Deadline: Dec.1, 2011 - Abstracts (one to two pages) and CVs
               April 1, 2012 - Complete papers

[view submission details]

Call for Papers

Special Issue: Oral History in Latin America
Deadline: October 15th, 2011 - Abstracts and CVs
               December 6th, 2011 - Complete papers

[view submission details]

Vol 32 (2012)

Table of Contents

Editorial Notes

Editorial Note 32/2012 PDF
Alexander Freund, Kristina Llewellyn, Patrice Milewski, Nolan Reilly


Review: Vietnam War Stories PDF
Alexander Freund

If you would like to become a member of COHA and get access to the Forum, please visit http://www.canoha.ca/membership.