Vol 3, No 2 (1978)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Foreword / Avant-propos PDF
Léo La Clare


Problèmes et perspectives de l'histoire orale PDF
Bruno Jean
Applications of Oral History to the History of Labour and Business PDF
Gary N. Chaison
n Example of an Independent Oral History Project: The Canadian Contingent to the Friends Ambulance Unit, China Convoy PDF
Thomas Socknat
Designing Sound Document PDF
Barbara Diggins
Look at Our Past: The Wellington County Oral History Project PDF
Linda J. Fraser
Interview with Barry Broadfoot [Reprinted from Access Magazine, Winter 1978] PDF
Documenting Alberta's East European Immigrants PDF
Tovas Yedlin

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

David Lance: An Archive Approach to Oral History PDF
Ernest J. Dick

News / Les nouvelles

Oral History Projects / Projets d'histoire orale; Workshops and Conferences / Ateliers et conferences; New Association / Nouvelle association; Publications PDF

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