Vol 5, No. 1 (1981-1982)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Foreword / Avant-propos PDF
Richard Lochead
The Authors / Les Auteurs PDF
Collections of Interest / Collections d'intérêt PDF


Women in CBC Radio Talks and Public Affairs PDF
Jean Bruce
Ordinary People, Extraordinary History PDF
David Millar
Oral History in the United States PDF
Ronald J. Grele
Oral History and Archives: The Case in Favor PDF
Derek Reimer
Oral History and Archives: The Case Against PDF
Jean Dryden
Objectif d'un project d'archives orales PDF
Nicole Gagnon
Le project d'histoire orale de l'Institut franco-ontarien PDF
Gaétan Gervais, Serge Dignard
The Sudbury Experience: Report on an Oral History Project From a Labour Perspective PDF
Jim Tester

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Jerry McWilliams, The Preservation and Restoration of Sound Recordings PDF
Denis Gagnon
Conference Reports / Conférens: compte rendus PDF
Back Issues / Numéros antérieurs PDF

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