Special Issue: Confronting Mass Atrocities

Table of Contents

Introduction – Confronting Mass Atrocities in Oral Historical Practice PDF
Erin Jessee, Annie Pohlman


Who Knows? Oral History Methods in the Study of the Massacres of 1965-66 in Indonesia PDF
John Roosa
Telling Stories about Torture in Indonesia: Managing Risk in a Culture of Impunity PDF
Annie Pohlman
Mudende: Trauma and Massacre in a Refugee Camp PDF
Emily A. Lynch
(Oral) History of Violence: Conflicting Narratives in Post-Genocide Rwanda PDF
Yolande Bouka
Multidisciplinary Roundtable: Soldiers’ Tales (Un)told: Perspectives on Trauma and Narrative in the Consideration and Treatment of PTSD (and pre-TSD) PDF
Michael Kilburn, Samata Sharma, Nathalie Saltikoff, Dana Modell, Scott Rothermel, Sandra Gasana
Afterword PDF
Henry Greenspan


Review: Genocide Lives in Us: Women, Memory, and Silence in Rwanda PDF
Sarah E. Watkins
Review: Missing: Persons and Politics PDF
Catherine Baker

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