Vol 21-22 (2001-2002)

Table of Contents

Introduction PDF
Ronald Labelle

Articles (Peer Reviewed)

Loved Not Wisely: The History of Homeless Men in Halifax PDF
David Hood
"Oral History as Identity: The African-Canadian Experience" PDF
James H. Morrison
Launching Well: The Formative Years of a Police/Social Service Unit PDF
Patricia Skidmore, Jaclyn Hamilton
The First Decade of the John Gordon Home: Learning how to House HIV and AIDS PDF
Ariel Beaujot

Oral History Projects / Projets d'histoire orale

Learning our Lessons: Oral History and the Women Teachers of Ontario PDF
Rebecca Priegert Coulter

Methodology / Méthodologie

La sauvegarde du patrimoine oral canadien par le biais de la numérisation : état de la question PDF
Ronald Labelle

Brief Report / Rapport bref

An Unauthorized Biography of the World: Finding voice, malting Sense; a book on oral history PDF
Michael Riordon
Contributors / Collaborateurs PDF
Obituary / Nécrologie PDF

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