Vol 12 (1992)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Editor's Notes / Note du rédacteur PDF
James H. Morrison
Abstracts / Les extraits PDF


The Halifax Explosion, December 6, 1917 PDF
Janet Kitz

Ethics and Oral Histories

Ethics: Guidelines for Research with Human Subjects PDF
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Legal Issues Regarding Oral Histories PDF
Jill Jarvis-Tinus
Political Volatility and Historical Accounts: Tiptoeing through Contested Ground PDF
Coleman Romalis
The Development of Community-Based Cultural Research and Management Programs: The Canadian Park Service (CPS) Experience in the Northwest PDF
David Neufeld


When Cultures Meet: Preserving Oral Traditions in Western Province, Solomon Islands PDF
Barbara Riley

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Authentic Voices PDF
Joan Fairweather
Learning from Experience: Latin American Immigrants in Nova Scotia PDF
Helen Vaughan Merrill
The College on the Hill PDF
Margaret Harry
Books Received / Livres reçus PDF
Back Issues / Numéros antérieurs PDF

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