Oral History Forum d'histoire orale

Oral History Forum d'histoire orale is the delayed open access e-journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. Forum publishes peer-reviewed articles, book and multi-media reviews, and other contributions to the field of oral history and oral tradition.

Why register? Registered users, if they then become subscribers, have access to the most recent issues of Forum. Registered users receive regular notifications about newly published articles and other contributions as well as information related to oral history in Canada, such as calls for papers and conference announcements. Your registration helps COHA to demonstrate our journal's significance when we apply for funding. We will not give your information or email address to any third party.



Open Call for Papers: Oral History Forum d'histoire orale is the online journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. It serves as the premier meeting place for scholars, archivists, librarians, community activists and others who use oral history in their explorations of the past and present. Oral History Forum d'histoire orale invites the submission of scholarly articles, reviews, discussions, artwork and other contributions in the field of oral history and oral tradition. Submit queries and contributions to the editor.


Reviews: Publishers and potential reviewers of oral history-related books, websites, performances, and movies should contact the reviews editor, Kathy Bischoping (kbischop@yorku.ca).



Please consider supporting COHA and Forum through your membership dues, which give you access to the most recent issues of Oral History Forum d'histoire orale.

COHA memberships are $20 (individual), $15 (student), and $30 (institution). To subscribe, you first must REGISTER with the journal. Once you have logged in as a registered user, you may SUBSCRIBE to the journal by purchasing a COHA membership.
Thank you for your support of COHA and Oral History Forum d'histoire orale!



Invitation from COHA

COHA is looking for folks interested in getting involved in its executive.  There are a number of great opportunities!  If you'd like to know more, please email Rhonda L. Hinther at hintherr@brandonu.ca.  Practitioners at every age and career stage are welcome!  
Posted: 2016-11-15



Call for new editor for Oral History Forum d'histoire orale

The Canadian Oral History Association welcomes applications for the position of editor for the Oral History Forum d’histoire orale. The position would begin after March 2017 for a three-year term. The Oral History Forum d'histoire orale is the 1-year delayed open access e-journal of the Canadian Oral History Association. The Forum has been published since 1975. This year, there are 467 registered readers of Forum, and has 450+ followers on Twitter at @oralhistforum. The Forum publishes peer-reviewed articles, book and multi-media reviews, and other contributions to the field of oral history and oral tradition in Canada and around the world.

Applications from academics and non-academics are welcomed. Please submit the following elements by March 15, 2017:

• Your CV

• A vision for the future of the Oral History Forum d’histoire orale (2 pages)

Please send all inquiries and applications to Jon G. Malek, Interim President and Secretary of the Canadian Oral History Association at jmalek7@uwo.ca.

Posted: 2017-02-06
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Special Issue: Religious Individuals and Collective Identities: Oral History and Religion

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