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Department of Earth Sciences
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
United Kingdom
Andrew B Smith is a merit researcher at the Natural History Museum (London) who has studied the fossil record of echinoderms for over 35 years. His first degree was from Edinburgh University in Geological Sciences and his Ph. D. was in Biological Sciences from Exeter University. He is best known for his work on echinoid evolution, but has also worked extensively on the early evolutionary history of echinoderms and on the fidelity of the fossil record.
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Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universität Göttingen Museum
Sammlungen & Geopark
Goldschmidtstr. 1-5
D37077 Göttingen
Mike Reich is a Senior Lecturer in Palaeontology and Curator of the Geoscience collections at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany. He studied geology and palaeontology (major) and zoology and chemistry (minor) at the University of Greifswald, Germany and graduated in 1998 with a diploma thesis on Late Cretaceous microfossils. He finished his PhD on Cretaceous sea cucumbers (Echinodermata) at the University of Innsbruck, Austria in 2002, and after several short term museum positions at Greifswald, Stralsund and Hannover, he moved to Göttingen 9 years ago, where he has been ever since. Mike’s research interest range across palaeobiology, phylogeny, palaeoecology and taxonomy, primarily centred around microscopic remains of macrofossils (e.g. echinoderms, octocorals, polychaetes, tunicates…) and their extant relatives. His current research focuses on fossil Lagerstätten yielding exceptional preservation, such as the Hunsrück Slate and Mazon Creek, which also include different documentation techniques and computer applications, especially scanning electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction techniques.
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Department of Earth SciencesThe Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
United Kingdom
Samuel Zamora is a post-doctoral researcher at the Natural History Museum (London) who is a specialist on the early evolutionary history of Echinoderms. He completed his PhD in 2009 at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) base on Cambrian echinoderm faunas from North Spain. He has published extensively on the morphology and phylogenetic relationships of a broad range of Cambrian and Ordovician echinoderms and is currently researching the origins of the echinoderm body plan.