FIGURE 1. Map of southwestern Europe showing the main Eocene and Oligocene localities cited in the text. Abbreviations correspond to D: Dormaal; Ge: Geiseltal; Gr: Grisolles; H: Headon Hill; LD: La Débruge; Li: Lissieu; Me: Messel; Mo: Mormont-Entreroches; Mu: Mutigny; P: Phosphorites du Quercy (comprising the following localities, among others: Escamps, Lavergne, La Bouffie, Le Bretou, Les Pradigues, Malpérié, Perrière, Pech-du-Fraysse, Rosières and St. Néboule); Pr: Prémontré; Si: Silveirinha. For the exact age of each locality see the text.


FIGURE 2. Pleurodont iguanians from the Sossís locality. 1, 2: Geiseltaliellus pradiguensis. 1- fragment of right dentary in lingual view (IPS 56093); 2- fragment of ?dentary in lingual view (IPS 59521). 3: Geiseltaliellus sp. Partial left dentary in lingual view (IPS 56090). 4, 5: Pseudolacerta sp. 4- Partial right dentary in lingual view (IPS 56164); 5- fragment of right dentary in lingual view (IPS 56165). 6-7: ?Iguanidae indet. 6- partial frontal in dorsal (6.1) and ventral (6.2) views (IPS 56109); 7- partial parietal in dorsal view (IPS 56091).


FIGURE 3. Gekkotan material from the Sossís locality. 1, 2: Gekkota indet. Form A. 1- partial right dentary in lingual view (IPS 56178); 2- partial right maxilla in lingual view (IPS 56065). 3, 4: Gekkota indet. Form B. 3- partial left dentary in lingual view (IPS 56132); 4- fragment of right dentary in lingual view (IPS 56116). 5: Gekkota indet. Form C. Partial right dentary in lingual view (IPS 56173). 6: Gekkota indet. Premaxilla in lingual view (IPS 59478).


FIGURE 4. Lacertiforms and scincoids from the Sossís locality. 1, 2: Dormaalisaurus rossmanni. 1- partial left dentary in lingual view (IPS 59524); 2- partial right maxilla in lingual view (IPS 56048). 3: Dormaalisaurus girardoti, partial right dentary in lingual view (IPS 56056). 4: Gracilicerta sindexi, partial left dentary in lingual view (IPS 56171); 5: Lacertidae indet., fragment of left dentary in lingual view (IPS 56066); 6: ?Lacertidae (amblyodont form), fragment of left dentary in lingual view (IPS 56169); 7: ?Cordyliformes, fragment of left dentary in lingual view (IPS 56195); 8: ?Scincidae, fragment of dentary (IPS 56193); 9: Lacertidae indet. (IPS 56043). 9.1- left frontal in ventral view. 9.2- left frontal in dorsal view; 10: Lacertidae indet., posterior fragment of parietal in dorsal view (IPS 56046). 11: ?Lacertidae indet., fused frontal in dorsal view (IPS 56166). 12: Cordyliformes indet., body osteoderm in external view (IPS 49848a).


FIGURE 5. Amphisbaenians from the Sossís locality. 1, 2: cf. Blanidae indet. 1- partial left dentary in lingual view (IPS 56062); 2- dorsal vertebra (IPS 56063) in dorsal (2.1) and ventral (2.2) views.


FIGURE 6. Anguimorph specimens from the Sossís locality. 1: Glyptosaurinae indet., fragment of ?dentary (IPS 56167); 2-5: Glyptosaurini indet. 2- hexagonal skull osteoderm in external view (IPS 49845a); 3- skull osteoderm of unusual shape (IPS 49845b). 4- rectangular body osteoderm in external view (IPS 59528); 5- rounded body osteoderm in external view (IPS 49846d); 6-8, 11, 12: Anguinae indet. 6- partial parietal in dorsal view (IPS 56085); 7- posterior region of a right frontal in dorsal view (IPS 56086); 8- fragment of right ?maxilla in lingual view (IPS 56129); 9: Anguinae indet. Form A, vertebra (IPS 56082) in dorsal (9.1) ventral (9.2) views; 10: Anguinae indet. Form B, caudal vertebra (IPS 56080) in dorsal (10.1) and ventral (10.2) views; 11- rounded body osteoderm, in external view (IPS 49851a); 12- elongated body osteoderm, in external view (IPS 49847a).
