FIGURE 1. Location map showing the locality where Eosclerocalyptus cf. E. lineatus (Xen-30) was exhumed.

figure 1

FIGURE 2. Lithostratigraphical profile at the locality where Eosclerocalyptus cf. E. lineatus (Xen-30) was exhumed.

figure 2

FIGURE 3. 1 to 4: Recreations of the 3D disposition in situ (from four different angles) of Eosclerocalyptus cf. E. lineatus (Xen-30). Abbreviations: a, posterior fused vertebrae; b, right hemimandible; c, anterior fused vertebrae; d, left zeugopod and autopod; e, atlas and axis; f, scapula; g, synsacrum; h, dorsal carapace.

figure 3

FIGURE 4. Sequence of the four episodes of the burial (numbered from 1 to 4) of Eosclerocalyptus cf. E. lineatus (Xen-30). Abbreviations: a, posterior fused vertebrae; b, right hemimandible; c, anterior fused vertebrae; d, left zeugopod and autopod; e, atlas and axis; f, scapula; g, synsacrum; h, dorsal carapace.

figure 4

FIGURE 5. Posterior fused vertebrae of Eosclerocalyptus cf. E. lineatus (Xen-30-12) with a detail of the pits and furrows observed on the neural apophysis.

figure 5

FIGURE 6. 1. Pits and furrows (i to vi) on the neural apophysis of Eosclerocalyptus cf. E. lineatus (Xen-30-12). 2. Palatal view of the rostrum of Capalmalania altifrontis (MMP-1121-M) showing incisors and canines. Abbreviations: I1 first upper incisor, I2 second upper incisor, I3 third upper incisor, C upper canine.

figure 6

FIGURE 7. Two different views of acombined image of the rostrum of Chapalmalania altifrontis (54-V-17-1) "biting" the posterior vertebrae of Eosclerocalyptus cf. E. lineatus (Xen-30-12) showing the precise match between the dentition of Ch. altifrontis and the marks on the vertebrae. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

figure 7

FIGURE 8. Reconstruction of the scene of consumption (By Luz Irrazábal).

 figure 8