Ferhat Kaya
Department of Geosciences and Geography
University of Helsinki
PO Box 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a)
00014 Helsinki
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Ferhat Kaya studied paleoanthropology at the University of Ankara, obtaining bachelor and master degrees, and for nearly fifteen years has participated in paleontological fieldwork under several research projects in Turkey and Africa. Currently, he is doing his PhD in mammal paleontology, with a focus on understanding African Neogene climatic controls and environmental processes via ecometrics, under the supervision of Mikael Fortelius at University of Helsinki, Finland. Throughout field experiences he has had a number of significant opportunities to learn firsthand about the evolution and dispersal of mammal species during the Neogene in Africa, Europe, and Asia. Further studies building on these encounters have deepened many questions in his mind about evolution, dispersal of Eurasian and African mammals, and their relation with climate change and other environmental forces.
Nuretdin Kaymakçı
Department of Geological Engineering
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06531
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Nuretdin Kaymakçı is Professor of Geology at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He graduated from Middle East Technical University, and obtained his PhD in tectono-stratigraphy from the Faculty of GeoSciences (Vening Meinesz Research School of Geodynamics) at the Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He is author and co-author of various works on structural geology/tectonics, active tectonics, fault kinematics and paleostress inversion, seismic interpretation (2D&3D), basin analysis, application of paleomagnetism, and remote sensing and GIS.