FIGURE 1. Homothetic and quasi-homothetic transformation.

 figure 1

FIGURE 2. Boundary conditions, forces applied in the reference model A and the scaled model B and location of points P and Q in the jaw.

 figure 2

FIGURE 3. Von Mises Stress distribution (in MPa) and Displacement distribution (in mm) in the four scaled models of Connochaetes taurinus analyzed for plane stress and plane strain.

 figure 3

FIGURE 4. Von Mises Stress distribution (in MPa) and Displacement distribution (in mm) in the four different models for plane stress and plane strain when a unitary force is applied in all the models.

 figure 4

FIGURE 5. Von Mises Stress distribution (in MPa) and Displacement distribution (in mm) in the four different models for plane stress and plane strain when the quasi-homotetic transformation was applied.

 figure 5