FIGURE 1. Retiolitid graptolite Gothograptus nassa (Holm, 1890) from the Mulde Brick-clay Member (Blåhäll 1, middle Silurian, Gotland), extracted using Rewoquat. 1-2 – ventral view of a rhabdosome with partly preserved proximal part, scale bar = 1 mm; 3-4 – ancora umbrella with preserved sicula, scale bar = 200 μm; 5-8 – membranes preserved between cortical lists, 5-6 scale bar = 15 μm, 7-8 – scale bar = 50 μm. 2, 4, 6, 8 – 3D anaglyphs.

figure 1

FIGURE 2. Example fossils recovered with Rewoquat from the Mulde Brick-clay Member (Blåhäll 1, middle Silurian, Gotland): 1-5. Scale bar = 100 μm; 1. Conochitina? sp.; 2. Conochitina tuba Eisenack, 1932; 3. Conochitina claviformis Eisenack, 1931; 4. Conochitina pachycephala? Eisenack, 1964; 5. C. pachycephala Eisenack, 1964; 6. Kettnerites martinssonii Bergman, 1987, right first maxilla (MI); 7. paulinitid right MI; 8. deformed first paulinitid maxilla; 9. Kettnerites sp., left second maxilla (MII); 10. Leptoprion? sp., right MI; 11, 15-16. Echinoderm ossicles, 11 – scale bar = 200 μm; 16 – scale bar = 500 μm; 12 – Aechmina cf. cuspidata Jones and Holl, 1869; 13-15 – scale bar = 100 μm; 13 – Hexophtalmoides sp. Martinsson, 1963; 14. Bollia sp. Jones and Holl, 1886; 17-18 – scale bar = 200 μm; 17. Panderodus unicostatus (Branson and Mehl, 1933), simplexiform element, lateral view; 18. P. serratus Rexroad, 1967, costate element, lateral view.

figure 2

FIGURE 3. Example fossils recovered with Rewoquat from the Mulde Brick-clay Member (Blåhäll 1, middle Silurian, Gotland): 1. Volynites muldiensis? Larsson, 1979, scale bar = 500 μm; 2-3. juvenile parts of unidentified tentaculitoids, scale bar = 500 μm; 4. tabulate coral resembling Planalveolites sp.; 5. probable tabulate coral encrusted with Allonema sp., scale bar = 500 μm; 6. Conchicolites sp. encrusting a probable tabulate coral, scale bar = 1 mm; 7. fragment of a bryozoan colony encrusted by Conchicolites sp., scale bar = 2 mm; 8. trilobite genal? fragment encrusted with Allonema sp. and some unidentified encrusting organisms, scale bar = 1 mm; 9. trilobite pygidium, scale bar = 1 mm; 10, 13-14. unidentified juvenile brachiopods, scale bar = 200 μm; 11. Stegerhynchus borealis? encrusted with a microconchid or a juvenile Anticalyptraea sp., scale bar = 1 mm; 12. Resserella sp.? with encrustations, scale bar = 500 μm.

figure 3

FIGURE 4. Example fossils recovered with buffered acetic acid from the Mulde Brick-clay Member (Blåhäll 1, middle Silurian, Gotland): 1-5. Scale bar = 50 μm for chitinozoans, 100 μm for scolecodonts; 1. Conochitina claviformis? Eisenack, 1931; 2. Conochitina tuba? Eisenack, 1932; 3. Conochitina tuba? Eisenack, 1932; 4. Conochitina sp.; 5. Kettnerites sp., right MII; 6. Kettnerites martinssonii Bergman, 1987, left MII; 7. Conochitina pachycephala Eisenack, 1964; 8. K. martinssonii, left MI; 9. K. martinssonii, right MI; 10. K. martinssonii, right MII.

figure 4

FIGURE 5. Example calcareous fossils recovered with Rewoquat from the Daleje Shale (layer CH15b, Pekárek Mill, Lower Devonian, Prague Basin): 1-2. Nowakia barrandei Bou?ek and Prantl, 1959, scale bar = 500 μm; 3. Cribroconcha sp. Cooper, 1941, scale bar = 200 μm; 4. healdiid ostracod, scale bar = 500 μm.

figure 5

FIGURE 6. Example microfossils from the Daleje Shale (Pekárek Mill, Lower Devonian, Prague Basin). Scale bar = 100 μm, except for Figure 5.24, where the scale bar = 200 μm. Fossils in figures 1-13 were obtained using the HCl-HF-HCl technique and in figures 14-26 through disintegration with Rewoquat. 1. Calpichitina? sp., sample CH16b; 2-4. Ramochitina sp., 2. s. CH18b, 3. s. CH16b, 4. s. CH14b; 5. Calpichitina sp., s. CH16b; 6. Lunoprionella sp., s. CH18b; 7. polychaetaspid basal plate, s. CH16b; 8. Kettnerites sp., right second maxilla (MII), s. CH16b; 9. Kettnerites sp., left first maxilla (MI), s. CH16b; 10. Kettnerites sp., right MII, s. CH16b; 11. Pseudoonetodus beckmanni (Bischoff and Sannemann, 1958), s. CH15b; 12. P. beckmanni, s. CH14b; 13. unidentified prasinophyte, s. CH14b; 14. Bulbochitina sp., s. CH18b; 15. Angochitina sp., s. CH18b; 16. Calpichitina sp., s. CH16b; 17. Angochitina? sp., s. CH18b; 18. fragment of paulinitid MI, s. CH15b; 19. lateral tooth of Placognatha indet., s. CH15b; 20. Placognatha indet., s. CH17b; 21. Oenonites sp., s. CH17b; 22. Calpichitina sp., s. CH17b; 23. lateral tooth of Placognatha indet., s. CH16b; 24. prasinophytes, s. CH14b; 25. P. beckmanni, s. CH16b; 26. P. beckmanni, s. CH16b.

 figure 6