Isabelle Béchard
Centre de développement et de recherche en imagerie numérique
608 avenue Saint-Rédempteur
Québec, G4W 0E1
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Isabelle Béchard graduated from the Université du Québec à Rimouski in Marine biology (BSc) in 2009 and Wildlife and habitat management (MSc) in 2011. Her M.Sc. thesis dealt with the ontogeny of the Late Devonian dipnoan Scaumenacia curta (Miguasha, Canada) with one of the most complete size series for a Paleozoic fish. Working now as a research assistant for Dr. Richard Cloutier at the Université du Québec à Rimouski, her work focus on Evo-Devo in paleontology and on the anatomy of the vertebrate species from the Miguasha Laggersttäte. In October 2013, she joined the Centre de développement et de recherche en imagerie numérique (CDRIN) in Matane (Québec) as the scientific director.
Félix Arsenault
Centre de développement et de recherche en imagerie numérique
608 avenue Saint-Rédempteur
Québec, G4W 0E1
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Félix Arsenault is a 3D artist and technician who received is Collegial degree (DEC) in 3D animation and computer graphics at CEGEP de Matane in 2012. Félix is specialized in character art, which include having a strong knowledge of 3D softwares used in cinema, video game and research as well as knowledge of human and animal anatomy. In November 2012, he joined the Centre de développement et de recherche en imagerie numérique (CDRIN) in Matane where he is working on several projects
Richard Cloutier
Département de Biologie
Chimie et Géographie
Université du Québec à Rimouski
300 allée des Ursulines
Québec, G5L 3A1
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Since 2000, Richard Cloutier is a professor-researcher at the University du Québec à Rimouski, where he is teaching Evolutionary Biology, Comparative Anatomy and Ichthyology. Richard graduated from the Université du Québec à Montréal (BSc, Geology, Biology), the Université de Montréal (MSc, biostatistics), and the University of Kansas (MPh, PhD, Systematics and Ecology). He received numerous grants in evolutionary biology, evo-devo, paleontology and virtual paleontology. Most of his research deals with various aspects of the evolutionary biology of lower vertebrates including systematics, evo-devo, and paleobiology.
Johanne Kerr
Parc national de Miguasha
231 route Miguasha Ouest
Québec, G0C 2E0
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In 1988, Johanne Kerr started working for the Parc national de Miguasha. Since 1996, she is the collection manager. Johanne participated with Dr. Richard Cloutier to establish a new classification system for Miguasha’s collections. She managed the computerization of the entire collection. Johanne also contributes to research in paleontology, geology and related topics.