Chiara Angelone
Institut Català de Paleontologia
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès
Barcelona, Spain
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Research interests: Taxonomy of Eurasian Neogene-Quaternary fossil lagomorphs and applications in biochronology and palaeogeography.
Julia A. Schultz
Steinmann-Institut für Geologie
Mineralogie und Paläontologie
Universität Bonn
Nussallee 3, 53115 Bonn
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The research interest of Julia A. Schultz is functional morphology of the early mammalian dentition. Her PhD thesis was concerned with the reconstruction of mastication pattern of fossil mammal species using striation analysis, facet formation and wear pattern. Since 2012 she is in a post-doc position in the Steinmann-Institut (Universität Bonn) studying mammalian evolution during the Mesozoic focusing on 3D-reconstruction, virtual simulation and micro-computed tomography.
Margarita A. Erbajeva
Geological Institute
Siberian Branch
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russia 670047
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Research palaeontologist of the Cenozoic Laboratory of the Geological Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude. Specialist on the Pliocene-Recent small mammals of Siberia and Paleogene-Recent ochotonids of the world. She is the author and co-author of a number of papers on small mammals and ochotonids and of 8 monographs.
The main subject of interest is systematics, evolution and phylogeny of small mammals, moreover the paleonvironmental reconstruction, biostratigraphy and interregional correlation of the Late Cenozoic deposits and faunas.