FIGURE 1. Gastralial apparatus of Plateosaurus engelhardti. 1, SMNS 12949; 2, interpretative drawing of the chev- ron-shaped medial gastralial of SMNS 12949; 3, SMNS 12950; 4, SMNS 52968; 5, interpretative drawing the mid- ventral imbricating articulation, robust posterolateral gastralia and the last gastralial row of SMNS 52968. Arrows indicate a, chevron-shaped medial gastralium and b, lateral gastralium associated to the chevron-shaped medial gastra- lium; c, mid-ventral imbricating articulation; d, robust posterolateral gastralia, last gastralial row. Scale bar equals 10 cm.


FIGURE 2. Interpretative drawing of the gastralial apparatus of Plateosaurus engelhardti based on specimens SMNS 12949, SMNS 12950, SMNS 52968. Abbreviations: CMG, chevron-shaped medial gastralium; LG, lateral gastralium; MG, medial gastralium; MVI, mid-ventral imbricating articulation. Not to scale.


FIGURE 3. Reconstruction drawings of Plateosaurus engelhardti. 1, Crocodilus niloticus in dorsal view showing the association of gastralial apparatus and hypaxial abdominal muscles in extant crocodiles (scale bar equals 10 cm); 2, ventral view of the trunk of Plateosaurus engelhardti depicting the embedment of the gastralial apparatus into m. rectus abdominis. The reconstructed gastralial apparatus does not show medial and lateral gastralia or the mid-ventral imbricating articulation (not to scale); 3, superficial layer and 4, internal layer of the left lateral view of Plateosaurus engelhardti depicting the abdominal hypaxial muscles. Orientation and length of muscle fibres are only of schematic nature; 5, distal end of the pubis and 6, ischium of specimen SMNS 13200 is indicative for the presence of a cartilaginous cap in Plateosaurus engelhardti (not to scale). Abbreviations: CA, cartilage; ECA, epipubic cartilage; GA, gastralial apparatus; GAST, gastralia; ISTR, m. ischiotruncus; OEA, m. obliquus externus abdominis; OIA, m. obliquus internus abdominis; P, pubis; PEC, m. pectoralis; RAE, m. rectus abdominis externus; TA, m. transversalis abdominis; TRUCA, m. truncocaudalis.
