FIGURE 1. Ganguroo bilamina skull (QM F56265) from Wayne's Wok Site, in dorsal (1), right lateral (2) and ventral (3) views. (4) Line drawing of the upper right cheek teeth of QM F56265. Abbreviations: ac, anterior cingulum; as, alisphenoid; bo, basioccipital; bs, basisphenoid; cf, carotid foramen; eam, external auditory meatus; ec, ectotympanic; fl, forelink; fm, foramen magnum; fr, frontal; gf, glenoid fossa; iof, infraorbital foramen; I1, I3, upper incisor one and three; inf, incisive fenestra; ip, interparietal; jf, jugular foramen; ju, jugal; lac, lacrimal; lacf, lacrimal foramen; M1-M4, upper molar one to molar four; ma, mastoid; map, mastoid process; mcl, metaconule; me, metacone; ml, metaloph; mp, maxillopalatine fenestra; mx, maxilla; na, nasal; ne, neometaconule; oc, occipital condyle; os, orbitosphenoid; P3, upper third premolar; pa, parietal; pac, paracone; pal, palatine; pc, precingulum; pe, petrosal; pl, postlink; pmx, premaxilla; pomc, postmetacrista; pomclc, postmetaconulecrista; popc, postparacrista; poprc, postprotocrista; pr, protocone; prl, protoloph; prmc, premetacrista; prpc, preparacrista; ps, presphenoid; pt, pterygoid; sfo, secondary foramen ovale; smf, suprameatal foramen; sof, sphenorbital fissure; sq, squamosal; St C-D, stylar cusp C and D. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

figure 01

FIGURE 2. Juvenile maxilla of Ganguroo bilamina (QM F57020) in occlusal view (1), juvenile maxilla of Bulungamaya delicata/'Nowidgee matrix' (QM F57024) in occlusal view (2), line drawing of upper cheek teeth of Ganguroo bilamina, QM F57020, (left), and Bulungamaya delicata/'Nowidgee matrix', QM F57024 (right), (3) and juvenile dentary of Ganguroo bilamina (QM F57022) in buccal (4), occlusal (5), lingual (6) views and line drawing of lower cheek teeth (7). Abbreviations: ac, anterior cingulum; co, cristid obliqua; dP2-3, deciduous upper premolar two to three; dp2-3, deciduous lower premolar two to three; ecd, buccal crest from entoconid; end, entoconid; fl, forelink; hl, hypolophid; hyd, hypoconid; i1, lower first incisor; m1-m3, lower molar one to molar three; M1-M2, upper molar one to molar two; mas, mandibular symphysis; mcl, metaconule; me, metacone; med, metaconid; mf, mental foramen; ml, metaloph; ne, neometaconule; p3, lower third premolar; pac, paracone; pacd, paracristid; pad, paraconid; pc, precingulum; pcd, precingulid; phc, posthypocristid; pl, postlink; pomc, postmetacrista; pomclc, postmetaconulecrista; popc, postparacrista; poprc, postprotocrista; pr, protocone; prenc, preentocristid; prd, protoconid; prl, protoloph; prld, protolophid; prmc, premetacrista; prmcd, premetacristid; prpc, preparacrista; prprc, preprotocrista; St C, stylar cusp C. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

figure 02

FIGURE 3. Lingual view of dentaries of: 1, Bulungamaya delicata (holotype, CPC 22187) from G Site; 2, 'Nowidgee matrix' (QM F19991) from White Hunter Site; 3, 'Nowidgee matrix' (QM F19937) from Wayne's Wok Site; and 4, Ganguroo bilamina (QM F57021) from Wayne's Wok Site (reversed for convenience of comparison). Scale bar equals 10 mm.

figure 03

FIGURE 4. Occlusal view of dentaries of and associated line drawings: 1 and 5, Bulungamaya delicata (holotype, CPC 22187) from G Site; 2 and 6, 'Nowidgee matrix' (QM F19991) from White Hunter Site; 3 and 7, 'Nowidgee matrix' (QM F19937) from Wayne's Work Site; and 4 and 8, Ganguroo bilamina (QM F57021) from Wayne's Work Site (reversed for convenience of comparison). Abbreviations: co, cristid obliqua; ecd, buccal crest from entoconid; end, entoconid; hl, hypolophid; hyd, hypoconid; mcl, metaconule; med, metaconid; pacd, paracristid; pad, paraconid; pcd, precingulid; phc, posthypocristid; pomcd, postmetacristid; prenc, preentocristid; prd, protoconid; prld, protolophid; prmcd, premetacristid. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

figure 04

FIGURE 5. Ganguroo bites n. sp., holotype QM F23776, from the Bitesantennary Site, left dentary in lingual (1), buccal (2) and occlusal (3) views; Paratype QM F23775, right dentary in buccal (4), lingual (5) and occlusal (6) views; and Paratype QM F23777, left dentary in buccal (7), occlusal (8) and lingual (9) views. Abbreviations: ang, angular process; dp2-3, deciduous lower premolar two to three; i1, lower first incisor; m1-m3, lower molar one to molar three; maf, masseteric fossa; mafo, masseteric foramen; manf, mandibular foramen; mas, mandibular symphysis; mf, mental foramen; p3, lower third premolar; psmf, posterior shelf of the masseteric fossa. Scale bar equals 10 mm.

figure 05

FIGURE 6. Bivariate plots of upper dentition of Ganguroo bilamina and 'Nowidgee matrix'. L – anteroposterior length, AW = anterior width, W = maximum width, P = premolar, M = molar.

figure 06

FIGURE 7. Bivariate plots of lower dentition of Ganguroo bilamina (+UCMP 88221 from Kutjamarpu LF), Ganguroo bites n. sp., Bulungamaya delicata, 'Nowidgee matrix', Purtia mosaicus and Ngamaroo archeri. L – anteroposterior length, AW = anterior width, PW = posterior width, W = maximum width, p = premolar, m = molar.

figure 07

FIGURE 8. Principle Component Analysis with convex hulls of log transformed upper (1) and lower (2) dentition measurements of Ganguroo bilamina (+UCMP 88221 from Kutjamarpu LF), Ganguroo bites n. sp., Bulungamaya delicata, 'Nowidgee matrix', Purtia mosaicus and Ngamaroo archeri.

figure 08

FIGURE 9. Canonical Variates Analysis with convex hulls of upper (1) and lower (2) log transformed dental measurements of Ganguroo bilamina (+UCMP 88221 from Kutjamarpu LF), Ganguroo bites n. sp., 'Nowidgee matrix' (+Bulungamaya delicata) and Ngamaroo archeri.

figure 09

FIGURE 10. Phylogenetic relationships of Bulungamaya delicata, Ganguroo bilamina, Ganguroo bites and Wabularoo naughtoni (highlighted in bold), based on 108 character craniodental matrix. Fossil taxa are indicated by †. Strict consensus of 78 most parsimonious trees (tree length = 265; consistency index excluding uninformative characters = 0.4651; retention index = 0.732) from maximum parsimony analysis of the matrix. Numbers above branches represent bootstrap values (1000 replicates); numbers below branches represent decay indices.

figure 10