glaweLloyd N. Glawe
Museum of Natural History
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Monroe, Louisiana 71209-0504
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Lloyd N. Glawe is a retired Professor of Geology at the University of Louisiana in Monroe. He has expertise in the paleontology of mollusks and the Paleogene stratigraphy of the Northern Gulf Coastal Plain, USA and has published on the growth stages and morphologic variation in Paleogene pectens and oysters. He has documented an example of speciation in the genus Pecten. Presently, he is preparing a substitute reference section for the Paleogene Wilcox Group in Louisiana.


andersonJohn F. Anderson
Department of Atmospheric Science, Earth Science, and Physics
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Monroe, Louisiana 71209-0550
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J.F. Anderson is Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Louisiana-Monroe in Monroe, LA. Dr. Anderson is a researcher in depolarized light scattering of proteins and organic solvents, mathematical modeling of juvenile to adult progression of the oyster, O. thirsae (Gabb), and light and electron imaging of fossil sea shells.


bellDennis E. Bell (corresponding author)
Department of Biology
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Monroe, Louisiana 71209-0520
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Dennis Bell is an Instructor in the Department of Biology at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He is a systematic botanist and the Collections Manager of the ULM Herbarium (Index Herbariorum designation - NLU). His contributions to this manuscript include: Light microscopy, graphic layout and design of figures and tables (Photoshop 3), as well as limited editorial contributions.
