bertogJanet Bertog
Department of Physics and Geology
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099
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Janet Bertog began working at the South Dakota School of Mines Museum of Geology in Rapid City, South Dakota in 1990. She graduated with a bachelor of science in geology in 1995 and her master of science in paleontology in 1997 at the South Dakota School of Mines. She completed her PhD in geology at the University of Cincinnati in 2002. She has worked at Northern Kentucky University since 2003, where she has been working on the paleontology and taphonomy of the Aaron Scott Quarry.


jeffereyDavid L. Jeffery
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geology
Marietta College
Marietta, Ohio 45750
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Dave Jeffery is currently an Associate Professor of Geology in the department of Petroleum Engineering and Geology at Marietta College in southeastern Ohio where he has been for the last ten years. His current interests include the stratigraphic and paleoecological aspects of Jurassic dinosaur deposits in Utah and Permian tetrapod trackways in Ohio. Before coming to Marietta, Dave worked for seven years as a petroleum geologist for ARCO/Vastar and then BP in Houston. He worked in both exploration and development, primarily in basins throught the US western states from North Dakota and down to west Texas. Dave earned his PhD from Texas A&M University working on paleoecological trends in Mississippian carbonate ramp and mudmound reef strata in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico. Prior to that, he completed his MS at Bowling Green State University working on taxonomy of Mississippian gastropods. During his graduate studies he worked summer jobs for national parks including Badlands in South Dakota and the Guadalupe mountains in West Texas.


coodeKatherine Coode
Department of Physics and Geology
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099
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Katherine Coode was an undergraduate student at Northern Kentucky University, graduating in 2010 with a double major in geology and geography and minors in physics and honors. She is currently working on her master of science degree in geospatial technology and groundwater hydrology at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.


hesterWilliam B. Hester
Department of Physics and Geology
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099
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William Hester was an undergraduate student at Northern Kentucky University, graduating in 2009 with a major in anthropology. He is currently working on his Master of Arts in history.


robinsonRath R. Robinson
Department of Physics and Geology
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099
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Rath Robinson was an undergraduate student at Northern Kentucky University, graduating in 2009. He completed a double major in geology and anthropology.


bishopJohn Bishop
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geology
Marietta College
Marietta, Ohio 45750
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John Bishop has worked in the late Jurassic for the past 28 years mostly in the San Raphael swell in southern Utah. His specialty is in the taphonomy and taxonomy of the Morrison Formation.