The caption of Figure 1 was misprinted in Delinschi, A. 2014. A new Turolian species Lophocricetus cimishliensis (Rodentia, Zapodidae) from the Republic of Moldova. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 17, Issue 3;35A; 13p (  The following is the correct caption. 
Published 18 January 2015

FIGURE 1. Figure 1. Dental terminology used in this paper (after Zazhigin and Lopatin 2000, modified by author).  Upper dentition: 1. antercone; 2. paracone; 3. mesostyle; 4. mesoloph; 5. metacone; 6.posteroloph; 7. hypocone; 8. posterostyle (hypostyle); 9. mesocone; 10. anterior endoloph; 11. protostyle; 12. protocone; 13. anteroloph. Lower dentition: 1. anteroconid; 2. protoconid; 3. ectolophid; 4. ectostilylid; 5. ectomesolophid; 6. posterostylid; 7. hypoconid; 8. posterolophid; 9. entoconid; 10. mezoconid; 11. mesostylid; 12. metaconid; 13. lingual arm of the anterolophid; 14. labial arm of the anterolophid; 15. anterostylid; 16. posterior ectolophid.