TABLE 1. Measurements of Sobniogallus albinojamrozi gen. et sp. nov., holotype, specimen ISEA AF/SOB1a+b from Sobniów, Poland, early Oligocene compared with minimum and maximum values of all described specimens of chosen stem group Galliformes. Letters in superscript indicate publications that were checked for measurements.
Abbreviation: Pmaj - phalanx proximalis digiti majoris. a Alvarenga, 1995; b Dyke and Gulas, 2002; c Fischer, 1990; d Fischer, 2003; e Mayr, 2000; f Mayr, 2006; g Mayr and Smith, 2013; h Mayr and Weidig, 2004; i Mourer-Chauviré, 1992; k Mourer-Chauviré, 2000; l Mourer-Chauviré et al., 2013; m Tordoff and Macdonald, 1957

  Coracoid Humerus Ulna Carpometacarpus Pmaj
Length Length Prox width Dist width Length Length Prox width Dist width Length
Sobniogallus albinojamrozi
27.4 43.3 13.2 8.6 47.1 23.7 6.7 3.9 9.5

Gallinuloides wyomingensis hm 29.0 46.8-c.47.0 - - c.48.4-49.2 25.5-c.27.1 - - 10.7
Paraortygoides messelensis ef - c.39.5-48.5 - - c.40.0-47.2 21.7-26.0 - - -
Paraortygoides radagasti b - - - - - - 7.5 - -

Paraortyx lorteti gi 22.1-27.0 37.0-42.6 9.2-11.2 7.2-8.7 36.8 19.5-21.7 6.1-7.0 3.9-4.2 -
Paraortyx brancoi dgi 31.0-35.3 49.6-51.3 12.2-12.9 9.5-9.9 - 27.0 7.7 - -
Pirortyx major cdgi 32.0-41.0 56.4 12.8-14.4 8.7-10.8 - 30.6 - - -

Quercymegapodius depereti ci - 39.7-40.4 9.5-10.0 7.0-7.7 - 22.5 5.9 4.2 -
Quercymegapodius brodkorbi i - - 8.2 5.7-c.5.8 - 19.4-19.8 5.1-5.6 3.2 -
Ameripodius alexisk 40.0-43.4 73.2-87.7 15.8-18.9 12.6-14.8 81.0 44.5-46.3 5.8-6.0 4.2-4.3 -
Ameripodius silvasantosi ak 28.0 45.8 11.5 8.4 ?41-c.44 21.2-26.64 7.0 4.9 11.6
Taubacrex granivora k  31.5 - - - c.48.0 - - - -

Chambiortyx cristata l - - - - - - - 3.1 -