Numbers refer to PE Issue, Volume, and Article (PE2.1.6A/T), and the year of publication (1999). These titles are listed alphabetically.


PE 15.1.1T Acquisition of high resolution three-dimensional models using free, open-source, photogrammetric software (2012)

PE 2.1.7A ADAPTS (Analysis of Diversity, Asymmetry of Phylogenetic Trees, and Survivorship): A New Software Tool for Analysing Stratigraphic Range Data (1999)

PE 17.1.16A Additions to the latest Paleocene Buckman Hollow local fauna, Chappo Member of the Wasatch Formation, Lincoln County, southwestern Wyoming (2014)

PE 11.1.4A Agamid Lizards from the Early Eocene of Western India: Oldest Cenozoic Lizards from South Asia (2008)

PE 17.2.29A Ambergris cololites of Pleistocene sperm whales from central Italy and description of the new ichnogenus and ichnospecies Ambergrisichnus alleronae (2014)

PE 12.2.2T AMOR – A New System for Automated Imaging of Microfossils for Morphometric Analyses (2009)

PE 4.2.7A Amount of the Taphonomic/Tectonic Compaction in the Fluminimaggiore Formation (SW Sardina, Italy) with Discussion of a New Paleontological Method for Estimating Compaction (The) (2002)

PE 16.3.7T An acid-free method of microfossil extraction from clay-rich lithologies using the surfactant Rewoquat (2013)

PE 8.1.10A Anaglyph Stereo Imaging of Dinosaur Track Morphology and Microtopography (2005)

PE 18.1.5A An ameghinornithid-like bird (Aves, Cariamae, ?Ameghinornithidae) from the early Oligocene of Egypt (2015)

PE 11.2.6A Anatomy of the Very Tiny: First Description of the Head Skeleton of the Rare South American Catfish Sarcoglanis simplex (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) (2008)

PE 18.2.23A A new Oligo-Miocene dolphin from New Zealand: Otekaikea huata expands diversity of the early Platanistoidea (2015)

PE 18.1.2A Angiosperm pollen grains from the Cuayuca Formation (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene), Puebla, Mexico (2015)

PE 16.2.19A Appendicular skeleton and dermal armour of the Late Cretaceous titanosaur Lirainosaurus astibiae (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) from Spain (2013)

PE 3.2.9A Application of a Three-Dimensional Color Laser Scanner to Paleontology (2000)

PE 1.1.3A Application of the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) of Sea Surface Temperature Estimation to Middle Pliocene North Pacific Planktonic Foraminifer Assemblages (1998)

PE 11.3.13A (An) Araucarian Conifer Bract-Scale Complex from the Lower Jurassic of Massachusetts: Implications for Estimating Phylogenetic/Stratigraphic Congruence in the Araucariacea (2008)

PE 15.3.26A Are there two distinct types of hypocone in Eocene primates? The ‘pseudohypocone’ of notharctines revisited (2012)

PE 17.1.8A Artificially evolved functional shell morphology of burrowing bivalves (2014)

PE 14.3.37A Arvicolini (Rodentia) from the Irvingtonian of north-central Kansas, USA (2011)

PE 4.2.6A Atlas of Common Squamatological (Fish Scale) Material in Coastal British Columbia, and an Assessment of the Utility of Various Scale Types in Paleofisheries Reconstruction (2002)

PE 15.2.13A A taxonomic revision of orthosternous scorpions from the English Coal-measures aided by X-ray Micro-Tomography (XMT) (2002)


PE 18.2.22A Bathyal ostracods from the Santa Maria di Leuca deep–water coral province (northern Ionian Sea) (2015)

PE 16.3.23A Bat remains (Mammalia, Chiroptera) from the Middle Pleistocene site of Qesem Cave, Israel, with the first Pleistocene record of fruit bats in the Mediterranean region (2013)

PE 17.1.2E The benefits of commercial fossil sales to 21st-century paleontology (2014)

PE 13.2.11A Benthic Foraminifera from the Diatomaceouis Mud Belt Off Nambia: Characteristic Species for Sever Anoxia (2010)

PE 2.1.8A Beyond the Cutting Edge, Electronic Publications the 21ST Century (1999)

PE 6.2.6A Biogeography of Some Eocene Larger Foraminifera, and Their Application in Distinguishing Geological Plates (2003)

PE 13.2.10 A biomechanical analysis of the skull and adductor chamber muscles in the Late Cretaceous PlesiosaurLibonectes (2013)

PE 8.1.15A Biostratigraphic Surveys in the Siwaliks of Pakistan: A Method for Standardized Surface Sampling of the Vertebrate Fossil Record (2005)

PE 16.1.1T (A) biplanar X-ray method for three-dimensional analysis of track formation (2013)

PE 15.3.32A Bite marks revisited – evidence for middle-to-late Eocene Basilosaurus isis predation on Dorudon atrox (both Cetacea, Basilosauridae) (2012)

PE 1.1.1A Body Position and the Functional Morphology of Cretaceous Heteromorph Ammonites (1998)

PE 16.3.24A Brachycamacina, a new subtribe of the tribe Naupactini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae Entiminae) in Dominican amber (2013)

PE 13.3.19A (The) Braincase of Youngina capensis (Reptilia, Dipsida): New Insights from High-Resolution CT Scanning of the Holotype (2010)

PE 17.3.1T Breaking free from the matrix: Segmentation of fossil images (2014)

PE 4.1.3A Bryozoan Generic Extinctions and Originations During the Last One Hundred Million Years (2001)


PE 16.1.4A Cannibalism in Holocene muricid snails in the Beagle Channel, at the extreme southern tip of South America: an opportunistic response? (2013)

PE 6.2.8A Casting, Replication, and Anaglyph Stereo Imaging of Microscopic Detail in Fossils, with Examples from Conodonts and Other Jawless Vertebrates (2003)

PE 14.3.40A Caves, arvicoline rodents, and chronologic resolution (2011)

PE 8.2.29A Cenozoic and Cretaceous Ichthyoliths from the Tofino Basin and Western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada (2005)

PE 2.2.13A Cenozoic Deep Sea Microfossil Record: Explorations of the DSDP/ODP Sample Set Using the Neptune Database (1999)

PE 18.1.6A Chancelloriids of the Cambrian Burgess Shale (2015)

PE 10.1.1A Chemoreception, Odor Landscapes, and Foraging in Ancient Marine Landscapes (2007)

PE 16.2.17A Chronostratigraphic and palaeogeographic significance of an early Cambrian microfauna from the Heraultia Limestone, northern Montagne Noire, France (2013)

PE 1.2.6A Classification and Distribution of South Atlantic Recent Polycystine Radiolaria (1998)

PE 13.3.2T Cleaning Fossil Tooth Surfaces for Microwear Analysis: Use of Solvent Gels to Remove Resistant Consolidant (2010)

PE 8.2.33A Combining Morphometric and Paleoecological Analyses: Examining Small-Scale Dynamics in Species-Level and Community-Level Evolution (2005)

PE 18.1.1E Commentary: Fossil Calibration Database (2015)

PE 16.1.2A Comment on supposed holothurian body fossils from the middle Ordovician of Wales (Botting and Muir, Palaeontologia Electronica: 15.1.9A) (2013)

PE 13.1.4A Comparative Variability of Intermembranous and Endochondral Bones in Pleistocene Mammals (2010)

PE 17.1.6A (A) complete passerine foot from the late Oligocene of Poland (2014)

PE 5.1.1A Computed Tomography of an Anolis Lizard in Dominican Amber: Systematic, Taphonomic, Biogeoraphic, and Evolutionary Implications (2002)

PE 1.2.5A Computer Simulation of the Evolution of Foraging Strategies: Application to the Ichnological Record (1998)

PE 17.1.10A Conodont biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and taphonomy of the Second Creek Bed and Wolcott Furnace Hematite (Clinton Group) in West Central New York State (2014)

PE 18.1.1FC Constraints on the timescale of animal evolutionary history (2015)

PE 15.1.2A Continuous 300,000-year fossil record: changes in the ornithofauna of Biśnik Cave, Poland (2012)

PE 14.1.4A Correlations and co-occurrences of taxa: the role of temporal, geographic, and taxonomic restrictions (2011)

PE 17.1.17A Cranial morphometrics of the dire wolf, Canis dirus, at Rancho La Brea: temporal variability and its links to nutrient stress and climate (2014)

PE 17.2.25A Cranial morphology of the Oligocene beaver Capacikala gradatus from the John Day Basin and comments on the genus (2014)

PE 14.2.15A (The) cranial musculature of turtles (2011)

PE 14.3.31A Cricetid rodents from the Pliocene Panaca Formation, southeastern Nevada, USA (2011)

PE 17.3.33A (A) CT-image-based framework for the holistic analysis of cortical and trabecular bone morphology (2014)

PE 14.3.21A CT reconstruction and relationships of the Early Cretaceous tribosphenidan mammal, Slaughteria eruptens (Trinity Group, Texas, USA) (2011)


PE 14.2.10A Defense capabilities of Kentrosaurus aethiopicus Hennig, 1915 (2011)

PE 14.1.6A Description of a new species of the North American archaic pika Hesperolagomys (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae) from the middle Miocene (Barstovian) of Nebraska and reassessment of the genus Hesperolagomys (2011)

PE 17.1.7A (A) description of small gomphotheriid (Mammalia, Proboscidea) manuses from the earliest Pleistocene 111 Ranch Beds, southeast Arizona, USA (2014)

PE 18.1.18A Description of the stylohyal bone of a giant sloth (Lestodon armatus) (2015)

PE 17.1.5A Determining the ontogenetic variation of lower cheek teeth occlusal surface patterns in lagomorphs using micro-ct technology (2014)

PE 17.1.2A (The) Devonian placoderm fish Bothriolepis canadensis revisited with three-dimensional digital imagery (2014)

PE 13.2.8A (The) Digital Plateosaurus I: Body Mass, Mass Distribution, and Posture Assessed by Using CAD and CAE on a Digitally Mounted Complete Skeleton (2010)

PE 18.1.12A Dimorphism in Quaternary Scelidotheriinae (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Phyllophaga) (2015)

PE 14.1.2A "Dinosaur" petroglyphs at Kachina Bridge site, Natural Bridges National Monument, southeastern Utah: not dinosaurs after all (2011)

PE 16.1.1T Dinosaurs (Reptilia, Archosauria) at Museo de La Plata, Argentina: annotated catalogue of the type material and Antarctic specimens (2013)

PE 15.3.31 Discovery of a Pleistocene mysticete whale, Georgia Bight (USA) (2012)

PE 13.2.7A Discrimination of Fenestrate Bryozoan Genera in Morphospace (2010)

PE 14.2.14A (The) distribution of agglutinated foraminifera in NW European seas: Baseline data for the interpretation of fossil assemblages (2011)

PE 5.2.8A Digitizing Large Fossil Skeletal Elements for Three-dimensional Applications (2002)

PE 16.3.25A Dinosaurs and pterosaurs in Greek and Roman art and literature? An investigation of young-earth creationist claims (2013)

PE 11.3.15A Dispersed Leaf Cuticle from the Early Miocene of Southern New Zealand (2008)

PE 9.2.5A (A) Diverse New Assemblage of Late Eocene Squamates (Reptilia) from the Chadron Formation of North Dakota, U.S.A. (2006)

PE 10.2.11A Diversity Estimates, Biases, and Historiographic Effects: Resolving Cetacean Diversity in the Tertiary (2007)


PE 17.1.16A (The) earliest occurrence and remarkable stasis of the family Bostrichidae (Coleoptera: Polyphaga) in Cretaceous Charentes amber (2014)

PE 10.3.15A Early Eocene Dispersed Cuticles and Mangrove to Rainforest Vegetation at Strahan-Regatta Point, Tasmania (2007)

PE 10.3.17A Early Eocene Macroflora from the Red Hot Truck Stop Locality (Meridian, Mississippi, USA) (2007)

PE 14.3.39A (The) Early Pleistocene Mimomys hordijki (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) from Europe and the origin of modern neartctic sagebrush voles (Lemmiscus) (2011)

PE 2.1.5A Easy Access to Doubtful Taxonomic Decisions (1999)

PE 13.2.14A Ecology of Paleocene-Eocene Vegetation at Kakahu, South Canterbury, New Zealand (2010)

PE 14.3.22A Eoconodon (“Triisodontidae,” Mammalia) from the Early Paleocene (Puercan) of northeastern Montana, USA (2011)

PE 15.1.6A (The) effect of singletons and interval length on interpreting diversity trends from the palaeobotanical record (2012)

PE 17.2.22A Endocranial morphology of the extinct Antillean shrew Nesophontes (Lipotyphla: Nesophontidae) from natural and digital endocasts of Cuban taxa (2014)

PE 15.2.15A (The) enigmatic arthropod Camptophyllia (2012)

PE 11.3.16A Enigmatic Trace Fossils from the Aeolian Lower Jurassic Clarens Formation, Southern Africa (2008)

PE 5.1.2A Environmental Control of Diversity, Evolutionary Rates and Taxa Longevities in Antarctic Neogne Radiolaria (2002)

PE 3.1.2A Epofix and Vacuum: An Easy Method to Make Casts of Hard Substrates (2000)

PE 15.1.5A Equids from Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave (Crimea, Ukraine): co-occurrence of the stenonid Equus hydruntinus and the caballoid E. ferus latipes based on skull and postcranial remains (2012)

PE 15.1.12A Error rates and observer bias in dental microwear analysis using light microscopy (2012)

PE 1.1.2A Evidence of Binary Division in Mature Central Capsules of a Collosphaerid Colonial Radiolarian: Implications for Shell Ontogenetic Patterns in Modern and Fossil Species (1998)

PE 2.2.11A Evolutionary Modelling from Family Diversity (1999)

PE 15.2.24A Exceptionally preserved nauplius larvae from the Devonian Windyfield chert, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (2012)

PE 15.2.19A Experimental fluid mechanics of an Ediacaran frond (2012)

PE 3.1.1A Exploring the Effects of Toothwear on Functional Morphology: A Preliminary Study Using Dental Topographic Analysis (2000)

PE 12.1.1A Extending the utility of artiodactyl postcrania for species-level identifications using multivariate morphometric analyses (2012)

PE 2.1.1A Extinction and Naticid Predation of the Bivalve Chione Von Mühlfeld in the late Neogene of Florida (1999)

PE 7.1.4A Extraction of Calcereous Macrofossils from the Upper Cretaceous White Chalk and Other Sedimentary Carbonates in Denmark and Sweden: The Acid-Hot Water Method and the Waterblasting Technique (2004)


PE 8.1.12A (The) Facial Skeleton of the Early Oligocene Colodon (Perissodactyla, Tapiroidea) (2005)

PE 15.1.9A Fauna and ecology of the holothurian bed, Llandrindod, Wales, UK (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician), and the oldest articulated holothurian (2012)

PE 13.3.21A Finite Element Analysis of Ungulate Jaws: Can mode of Digestive Physiology be Determined? (2010)

PE 16.2.15A First evidence of scavenging of a Glyptodont (Mammalia, Glyptodontidae) from the Pliocene of the Pampean region (Argentina): taphonomic and paleoecological remarks (2013)

PE 17.1.21A (The) first fossil Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae, Piperales) leaves from Austria (2014)

PE 14.2.16A First Mio-Pliocene salamander fauna from the southern Appalachians (2011)

PE 17.3.32A First report on the palaeopsychrospheric ostracod genus Nemoceratina (Pariceratina) Gründel and Kozur, 1972 (Ostracoda, Bythocytheridae) from the Quaternary of the Mediterranean basin and description of a new species (2014)

PE 18.1.7FC Five well-supported fossil calibrations within the "Waterbird" assemblage (Tetrapoda, Aves) (2015)

PE 17.3.46A (The) foraging pits of the nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus (Mammalia: Xenarthra: Dasypodidae), and implications for interpreting conical trace fossils (2014)

PE 15.3.30A Forearm orientation in Hadrosauridae (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) and implications for museum mounts (2012)

PE 10.1.5A Forelimb Stance and Step Cycle in Hasmosaurs Irvinenesis (Diosauraia Neoceratopsia) (2007)

PE 18.1.6FC Fossil calibration dates for molecular phylogenetic analysis of snakes 1: Serpentes, Alethinophidia, Boidae, Pythonidae (2015)

PE 18.1.2FC Fossil calibration of Magnoliidae, an ancient lineage of angiosperms (2015)

PE 12.2.4A (The) Fossil Fishes from the Sierra Madre Formation, Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, Southern Mexico (2009)

PE 14.3.38A Fossil lagomorphs from the Potwar Plateau, northern Pakistan (2011)

PE 14.1.1T fossil: Palaeoecological and palaeogeographical analysis tools (2011)

PE 12.3.10A (The) Fossil Record and Evolution of Bovidae: State of the Field (2009)

PE 6.1.1A Fourier Method to Describe and Compare Suture Patterns (A) (2003)

PE 18.1.5FC Four mammal fossil calibrations: balancing competing palaeontological and molecular considerations (2015)

PE 16.3.31A Fruits, seeds, and flowers from the Warman clay pit (middle Eocene Claiborne Group), western Tennessee, USA

PE 3.2.6A Function and Adaptation in Paleontology and Phylogenetics: Why Do We Omit Darwin? (2000)

PE 2.1.2A Fusulinid Succession from the Middle-Upper Carboniferous Boundary Beds on Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway (1999)


PE 17.1.13A The gastralial apparatus of Plateosaurus engelhardti: morphological description and soft-tissue reconstruction (2012)

PE 15.2.21A Genetic analysis of cave bear specimens from Niedźwiedzia Cave, Sudetes, Poland (2012)

PE 12.1.2A (The) Genus Umiaites Spath, 1931 (Ammonoidea) from the Tithonian (Late Jurassic) of Kutch, Western India (2009)

PE 17.3.43A Geochronology of the Upper Alturas Formation, northern California: Implications for the Hemphillian-Blancan North American Land Mammal Age boundary (2014)

PE 17.1.19A Geographic Information Systems technology as a morphometric tool for quantifying morphological variation in an ammonoid clade (2014)

PE 14.3.28A  Geology and mammalian paleontology of the Horned Toad Hills, Mojave Desert, California, USA (2011)

PE 15.1.13A Giant fossil soft-shelled turtles of North America (2012)

PE 9.2.6A Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene Fissure Filling Biancone 1 (Gargano, Province of Foggia, Italy) (2006)

PE 8.1.7A Gobiolagus (Lagomorpha, Mammalia) from Eocene Ula Usu, Inner Mongolia, and Comments on Eocene Lagomorphs of Asia (2005)

PE 17.1.1E (The) greatest challenge to 21st century paleontology: When commercialization of fossils threatens the science (2014)

PE 13.2.12A (A) Guide to Late Albian-Cenomanian (Cretaceous) Foraminifera from the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada (2010)


PE 13.3.16A (A) Habitat-Based Perspective of Marine Biogeography in Passive and Convergent Tectnoic Settings(2010)

PE 17.3.42A Hadimopanella oezgueli Gedik, 1977: a palaeoscolecidan sclerite useless for taxonomic purposes (2014)

PE 2.1.9A H. Alleyne Nicholson -- A Great Victorian Paleontologist (1999)

PE 14.2.17A Hard tissue anatomy of the cranial joints in Sphenodon (Rhynchocephalia): sutures, kinesis, and skull mechanics (2011)

PE 12.2.7A (The) Head and Neck Muscles Associated with Feeding in Sphenodon (Reptilia: Lepidosauria: Rhynchocephalia) (2009)

PE 17.2.23A Healed antler fracture from a giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus) from the Pleistocene in Poland (2014)

PE 18.1.2T Heterochrony in helicoid spiral cones: a computer model for demonstrating heterochronic evolution (2015)

PE 12.1.1T High Dynamic Range Imaging as Applied to Paleontological Specimen Photography (2009)

PE 13.3.1T High Resolution Three-Dimensional Laser-Scanning of the Type Specimen of Eubrontes (?) glenrosensis Shuler, 1935, from the Comanchean (Lower Cretaceous) of Texas: Implications for DIgital Archiving and Preservation (2010)

PE 7.1.2A Holocene Solar Variability and Pelagic Fish Productivity in the NE Pacific (2004)

PE 7.1.1A Horn Use in Triceratops (Dinosauria: Ceratopsidae): Testing Behavioral Hypotheses Using Scale Models (2004)

PE 12.3.14A How Big was 'Big Al'? Quantifying the Effect of Soft Tissue and Osteological Unknowns on Mass Predictions for Allosaurus (Dinosauria Theropoda) (2009)

PE 8.1.6A Hyaenodonts and Carnivorans from the Early Oligocene to Early Miocene of Xianshuihe Formation, Lanzhou Basin, Gansu Province, China (2005)

I, J, K

PE 15.1.2T Idealized landmark-based geometric reconstructionsof poorly preserved fossil material: A case study of an early tetrapod vertebra (2012)

PE 1.1.4A Identification Key for Holocene Lacustrine Arcellacean (Thecamoebian) Taxa (1998)

PE 18.1.11A Identification of fossilized eggshells from the Taung hominin locality, Taung, Northwest Province, South Africa (2015)

PE 11.1.2A (An) Illustrated Guide to Fjord Foraminifera from the Seymour-Beliz Inlet Complex, Northern British Columbia, Canada (2008)

PE 5.2.5A Illustrated Guide to the Benthic Foraminifera of the Hebridean Shelf, West of Scotland, With Notes on Their Mode of Life (An) (2002)

PE 18.1.3A Illustrated guide to Pliocene foraminifera from Miyakojima, Ryukyu Island Arc, with comments on biostratigraphy (2015)

PE 3.2.5A Illustration and Taxonomic Reevaluation of Neogene Foraminifera Described from Japan (2000)

PE 6.1.4A Illustration of Modern Benthic Foraminifera from Bermuda and Remarks on Distribution in Other Subtropical/tropical Areas (2003) 

PE 5.1.4A Imaging Fossils Using Reflectance Transformation and Interactive Manipulation of Virtual Light Sources (2002)

PE 18.1.1T Imaging of the inner structure of cave bear teeth by novel non-destructive techniques (2015)

PE 15.2.18A Imaging the inner ear in fossil mammals: High-resolution CT scanning and 3-D virtual reconstructions (2012)

PE 12.1.1A (The) Impact of Asymmetries in the Elements of the Phragmocone of Early Jurassic Ammonites (2009)

PE 12.2.5T Improving Depth of Field Resolution for Palynological Photomicrography (2009)

PE 10.2.9A (An) Index for Concavity of the Occlusal Surface of the Cheek Teeth and an Assessment of Concavity in Gliridae (Mammalia, Rodentia) (2007)

PE 3.1.3A Inferring the Retinal Anatomy and VIsual Capacities of Extinct Vertebrates (2000)

PE 8.1.8A Insect Bone-Modification and Paleoecology of Oligocene Mammal-Bearing Sites in the Doupov Mountains, Northwestern Bohemia (2005)

PE 18.1.10A Insights into the controversy over materials data for the comparison of biomechanical performance in vertebrates (2015)

PE 16.1.6A Investigation of a claim of a late-surviving pterosaur and exposure of a taxidermic hoax: the case of Cornelius Meyer's dragon (2013)

PE 17.3.41A Investigation of claims of late-surviving pterosaurs: the cases of the winged dragons of Belon, Aldrovandi, and Cardinal Barberini (2014)

PE 11.3.17A Is There An Option for a Pneumatic Stablization of Sauropod Necks? An Experimental and Anatomical Approach (2008)


PE 14.2.12A Large caviomorph rodent footprints of the Late Oligocene Vinchina Formation, Argentina (2011)

PE 2.1.3A Laser Confocal Microscopy and Geographic Information Systems in the Study of Dental Morphology (1999)

PE 17.1.3A (The) last Iberian gomphothere (Mammalia, Proboscidea): Anancus arvernensis mencalensis nov. ssp. from the earliest Pleistocene of the Guadix Basin (Granada, Spain) (2014)

PE 18.1.21A Late Early Permian (late Leonardian; Kungurian) algae, microproblematica, and smaller foraminifers from the Yeso Group and San Andres Formation (New Mexico; USA) (2015)

PE 3.2.7A Late Holocene Environment of the Southern North Sea from the Stable Isotopic Composition of Queen Scallop Shells (2000)

PE 17.2.24A Late Jurassic marine vertebrates from Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca State, southern Mexico (2014)

PE 17.2.30A Late Paleocene examples of residual coloration and embryonic features in juvenile marine mollusks from Northwest Louisiana (2014)

PE 18.1.1A Late Pleistocene-Holocene amphibians from Okinawajima Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan: Reconfirmed faunal endemicity and the Holocene range collapse of forest-dwelling species (2015)

PE 18.1.16A Latiblattella avita sp. nov. (Blattaria: Ectobiidae) from the Eocene Kishenehn Formation, Montana, USA (2015)

PE 10.1.3A Lauraceae Macrofossils and Dispersed Cuticle from the Miocene of Southern New Zealand (2007)

PE 1.2.8A Likelihood Estimation of the Time of Origin of Cetacea and the Time of Divergence of Cetacea and Artiodactyla (1998)

PE 16.1.8A Lizards and amphisbaenians (Reptilia, Squamata) from the late Eocene of Sossís (Catalonia, Spain) (2013)

PE 11.2.8A Locomotion in Fossil Carnivora: An Application of Eigensurface Analysis for Morphometric Comparison of 3D Surfaces (2008)

PE 11.1.1A Locomotion in the Extinct Notoungulate Protypotherium (2008)

PE 17.2.31A Longest crab trackways from the Bay of Bengal Coast, India: their geological and geotechnical applications (2014)

PE 9.2.9A Loosening the CLAMP: An Exploratory Graphical Approach to the Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (2006)


PE 15.3.25A Magnification and resolution in dental microwear analysis using light microscopy (2012)

PE 12.2.4T Mechanical Digitizing for Paleontology - New and Improved Techniques (2009)

PE 17.2.28A Mediolus, a new genus of Arcellacea (Testate Lobose Amoebae) (2014)

PE 15.1.3T Methodology of the micro-computer tomography on foraminifera (2012)

PE 16.3.27A (A) method for improved identification of postcrania from mammalian fossil assemblages: multivariate discriminant function analysis of camelid astragali (2013)

PE 4.1.2A Methodologies for the Visualization and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Fossils from the Silurian Herefordshire Lagerstätte (2001)

PE 4.1.1A Method of Illustrating the Morphological Evolution of Coccoliths with 3D Animations Applied to Calcidiscus Leptoporus (2001)

PE 13.2.9A Microconchid-Dominated Hardground Association from the Late Pridoli (Silurian) of Saaremaa, Estonia (2010)

PE 8.2.31A Microevolutionary Dynamics of the Early Devonian Conodont Wurmiella from the Great Basin of Nevada (2005)

PE 10.1.4A Microfacies of Stromatoliticicrofacies of Stromatolitic Sinter from Acid-Sulphate-Chloride Springs at Parariki Stream, Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand (2007)

PE 14.3.33A Microtine rodents in the Frick Collection from Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China (2011)

PE 14.3.27A Microtoid cricetids and the early history of arvicolids (Mammalia, Rodentia) (2011)

PE 1.2.10A Microvertebrate Concentrations in Pedogenic Nodule Conglomerates: Recognizing the Rocks and Recovering and Interpreting the Fossils (1998)

PE 8.1.14A Microwear in Modern Squirrels in Relation to Diet (2005)

PE 14.3.20A Microwear patterns on the teeth of northern high latitude hadrosaurs with comments on microwear patterns in hadrosaurs as a function of latitude and seasonal ecological constraints (2011)

PE 12.1.1A Middle Miocene Mesotheriine Diversity at Cerdas, Bolivia and a Reconsideration of Plesiotypotherium minus (2010)

PE 14.3.43A (The) Middle Pleistocene herpetofaunas from Kärlich (Neuwied Basin, Germany) (2011)

PE 18.1.19A Middle-Late Permian (Murgabian-Djulfian) foraminifers of the northern Maku area (western Azerbaijan, Iran) (2015)

PE 15.3.7T Mining morphological evolution in microfossils using volume density diagrams (2012)

PE 17.2.27A (The) Miocene climate in New Zealand: Estimates from paleobotanical data (2014)

PE 12.2.5A Miocene Climate Modelling Sensitivity Experiments for Different CO2 Concentrations (2009)

PE 8.1.2A Mio-Pliocene Growth of the Tibetan Plateau and Evolution of East Asian Climate (2005)

PE 8.1.16A Misconceptions Arising from the Misassignment of Nonhominoid Teeth to the Miocene Hominoid Sivapithecus (2005)

PE 4.1.5A Modelling Middle Pliocene Warm Climates of the USA (2001)

PE 9.1.3A Modern Foraminifera Attached to Hexactinellid Sponge Meshwork on the West Canadian Shelf: How They Compare with Their Jurassic Counterparts in Europe (2006)

PE 16.3.22A (The) modified application of Perron's theorem to evolutionary and palaeoecological studies of invertebrates in palaeobiology (2013)

PE 13.2.10A Moncharmontzeiana: New Name for Pytine Moncharmont Zei and Sgarella, 1978 Non Fortey, 1975 (2010)

PE 10.3.14A Monocot Macrofossils from the Miocene of Southern New Zealand (2007)

PE 16.3.28A (A) morphotype catalog and paleoenvironmental interpretations of early Miocene fossil leaves from the Hiwegi Formation, Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya (2013)

PE 15.2.22A More “dinosaur” and “pterosaur” rock art that isn’t (2012)

PE 8.1.26A (A) Morphological Model and CT Assessment of the Skull of Pachyrachis problematicus (Squamata, Serpentes), A 98 Million Year-Old Snake with Legs from the Middle East (2005)

PE 16.1.5A Morphological variability of the trace fossil Schaubcylindrichnus coronus as a response to environmental forcing (2013)

PE 13.1.2A Morphometric Considerations of the Teeth of the Palaeocastorine Beavers Capacikala, Palaeocastor and "Capatanka (2010)

PE 6.2.7A Morphometric Studies on Three Ostracod Species of the Genus Digmocythere Mandelstam from the Middel Eocene of Egypt (2003)

PE 17.1.12A Motion range of the manus of Plateosaurus engelhardti von Meyer, 1837 (2014)

PE 16.2.11A Multibody dynamics model of head and neck function in Allosaurus (Dinosauria, Theropoda) (2013)

PE 14.2.2T Multi-view stereo three-dimensional reconstruction of lower molars of Recent and Pleistocene rhinoceroses for mesowear analysis (2011)  


PE 18.1.7A Neoichnology of the burrowing spiders Gorgyrella inermis (Mygalomorphae: Idiopidae) and Hogna lenta (Araneomorphae: Lycosidae) (2015)

PE 15.1.10A Neoichnology of the desert scorpion Hadrurus arizonensis: burrows to biogenic cross lamination (2012)

PE 17.1.18A Neoichnology of two spirobolid millipedes: improving the understanding of the burrows of soil detritivores (2014)

PE 15.3.27A (A) neomorphic ossification of the nasal cartilages and the structure of paranasal sinus system of the glyptodont Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto 1957 (Mammalia, Xenarthra) (2012)

PE 15.1.8A Nesiotites rafelinensis sp. nov., the earliest shrew (Mammalia, Soricidae) from the Balearic Islands, Spain (2012)

PE 8.2.30A Neutron Tomography of Internal Structures of Vertebrate Remains: A Comparison with X-Ray Computed Tomography (2005)

PE 16.2.14A New carnivoraforms (Mammalia) from the middle Eocene of California, USA, and comments on the taxonomic status of 'Miacis' gracilis (2013)

PE 6.1.3A New Cretaceous Dinosaur Tracksite in Southern New Mexico (A) (2003)


PE 18.1.13A New Curculioninae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Dominican amber (2015)

PE 14.2.13A New data on the Oxyaenidae from the Early Eocene of Europe; biostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic and paleoecologic implications (2011)

PE 10.2.7A (A) New Docodont Mammal from the Jurassic Kota Formation of India (2007)

PE 8.1.21A (A) New Enigmatic Large Rhinocerotid from the Upper Member of the Chitarwata Formation at Zinda Pir Dome, Western Pakistan (2005)

PE 9.1.2A New Fossil Ratite (Aves: Palaeognathae) Eggshell Discoveries from the Late Miocene Baynunah Foramation of the United Arab Emirates, Arabian Peninsula (2006)

PE 17.3.38A (A) new genus and species of a galliform bird from the Oligocene of Poland (2014)

PE 16.1.7A A new genus of coccolepidid fishes (Actinopterygii, Chondrostei) from the continental Jurassic of Patagonia (2013)

PE 18.1.9A New genus of primitive wombat (Vombatidae, Marsupialia) from Miocene deposits in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area (Queensland, Australia) (2015)

PE 12.1.3A New Geochronologic and Stratigraphic Evidence Confirms the Paleocene Age of the Dinosaur-Bearing Ojo Alamo Sandstone and Animas Formation in the San Juan Basis, New Mexico and Colorado (2009)

PE 13.1.3A New Golden Moles (Afrotheria, Chrysochloridae) from the Early Pliocene of South Africa (2010)

PE 11.3.14A New Information on the Upper Triassic Archosauriform Vancleavea campi Based on New Material from the Chinle Formation of Arizona (2008)

PE 13.2.15A New Interpretation of the Postcranial Skeleton and Overall Body Shape of the Placodont Cyamodus Hildegardis Peyer, 1931 (Reptilia, Sauropterygia) (2010)

PE 8.1.5A New Materials of Pararhizomys from Northern China (2005)

PE 12.3.6T New Methods to Document Fossils from Lithographic Limestones of Southern Germany and Lebanon (2009)

PE 10.1.6A New Middle and Upper Jurassic Belemnite Assemblages from West Antarctica (Latady Group, Ellsworth Land): Taxonomy and Paleobiogeography (2007)

PE 12.2.6A New Occurrences of Permian Corals from the McCloud Belt in Western North America (2009

PE 14.3.36A New perspectives on lagomorph and rodent biochronology in the Anza-Borrego Desert of southern California, USA (2011)

PE 16.2.18A (A) new plate-like hypercalcified chaetetid demosponge (Loiscupula bachendensi gen. nov. sp. nov) from the Cantabrian Zone (Moscovian, Pennsylvanian, NW Spain) (2013)

PE 12.3.15A New Pleistocene Cave Faunas of the Andes of Central Perú: Radiocarbon Ages and the Survival of Low Latitude, Pleistocene DNA (2009)

PE 17.3.47A New postcranial bones of the extinct mammalian family Nyctitheriidae (Paleogene, UK): Primitive euarchontans with scansorial locomotion (2014)

PE 14.3.29A  New rodents (Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae) from the Verde Fauna of Arizona and the Maxum Fauna of California, USA, early Blancan Land Mammal Age (2011)

PE 14.3.26A (A) new species of Cernictis (Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae) from the Late Miocene Bidahochi Formation of Arizona, USA (2011)

PE 10.3.12A (A) New species of Cladocyclus (Teleostei: Ichthyodectiformes) from the Cenomanian of Morocco (2007)

PE 18.1.4A (A) New species of Dactylolabis (Idiolabis) Alexander, 1931 from the Eocene Baltic amber and its relationships among Dactylolabinae (Diptera: Limoniidae) (2015)

PE 14.1.7A (A) New species of Lepidotes (Actinopterygii: Semiontiformes) from the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) of Morocco (2011)

PE 14.3.23A New species of Peradectes and Swaindelphys (Mammalia, Metatheria) from the Early Paleocene (Torrejonian) Nacimiento Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, USA (2011)

PE 14.3.25A (A) new species of the genus Megapeomys (Mammalia, Rodentia, Eomyidae) from the Early Miocene of Japan (2011)

PE 8.1.11A New species of Sinocapra (Bovidae, Caprinae) from the Lower Pliocene Panaca Formation, Nevada, USA (2005)

PE 10.2.8A (A) New Titanosauriform Sauropod (Dinosauria: Saurishchia) from the Early Cretaceous of Central Texas and its Phylogenetic Relationships (2007)

PE 17.3.35A (A) new Turolian species Lophocricetus cimishliensis (Rodentia, Zapodidae) from the Republic of Moldova (2014)

PE 12.2.8A No Evidence of Paleocene Dinosaurs in the San Juan Basin (2009)

PE 15.2.4T Non-destructive, safe removal of conductive metal coatings from fossils: a new solution (2009)

PE 5.2.6A Northern Gondwanan Siluro-Devonian Palaeogeography Assessed by Cephalopods(2002)


PE 16.3.30A The oldest Asian Sivaonyx (Lutrinae, Mustelidae): a contribution to the evolutionary history of bunodont otters (2013)

PE 16.2.13A (The) oldest fossil record of bandicoots (Marsupialia; Peramelemorphia) from the late Oligocene of Australia (2013)

PE 14.1.1A (The) oldest (Middle Triassic, Anisian) lobsters from the Netherlands: taxonomy, taphonomy, paleoenvironment, and paleoecology (2011)

PE 5.2.7A Oldest Placental Mammal from Sub-Saharan Africa: Eocene Microbat from Tanzania–Evidence for Early Evolution of Sophisticated Echolocation (2002)

PE 8.1.22A Oligocene and Early Miocene Ruminants (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from Pakistan and Uganda (2005)

PE 8.1.25A Oligocene Terrestrial Strata of Northwestern Ethiopia: A Preliminary Report on Paleoenvironments and Paleontology (2005)

PE 7.2.7A On the Simulation of the Evolution of Morphological Shape: Multivariate Shape under Selection and Drift (2004)

PE 7.1.3A Ordovician-Silurian Distribution of Orthida (Palaeozoic Brachiopoda) in the Greater Iapetus Ocean Region (2004)

PE 2.2.10A Original Shell Colouration in Late Pleistocene Terebratulid Brachiopods from New Zealand (1999)

PE 8.1.4A (The) Ossified Braincase and Cephalic Osteoderms of Shinisaurus crocodilurus (Squamata, Shinisauridae) (2005)

PE 14.3.30A (An) owl-pellet accumulation of small Pliocene vertebrates from the Verde Formation, Arizona, USA (2011)


PE 6.1.2A Palaecological and Ichnological Significance of Microborings in Quaternary Foraminifera (2003)

PE 13.3.20A Palaeodiversity of Caribbean Echinoids Including New Material from the Venezuelan Neogene (2010)

PE 13.3.17A Palaeoenvironmental Implications of Asteriacites lumbricalis inthe Coste Dell'Anglone Sinemurian Dinosaur Ichnosite (NE Italy) (2010)

PE 15.2.6T (A) palaeobiologist's guide to 'virtual' micro-CT preparation (2012)

PE 13.1.6A Paleobotany and Sedimentology of Late Oligocene Terrestrial Strata from the Northwestern Ethiopian Plateau (2010)

PE 17.3.39A (A) Paleogene trans-Antarctic distribution for Ripogonum (Ripogonaceae: Liliales)? (2014)

PE 17.3.6E Paleontology in Argentina: history, heritage, funding, and education from a southern perspective (2014)

PE 17.1.15A Paleoneurology of Teyumbaita sulcognathus (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) and the sense of smell in rhynchosaurs (2014)

PE 11.2.11A PaleoView3D: from Specimen to Online Model (2008)

PE 2.2.14A Pareto Analysis of Paleontological Data: A New Method of Weighing Variable Importance (1999)

PE 17.1.1A Partial skull and endocranial cast of the ankylosaurian dinosaur Hungarosaurus from the Late Cretaceous of Hungary: implications for locomotion (2014)

PE 4.1.4A PAST: Paleontological Statistics Software Package for Education and Data Analysis (2001)

PE 7.2.5A Pattern Matching: Classification of Ammonitic Sutures Using GIS (2004)

PE 9.1.1A Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy and Fusulinids of Central and Eastern Iran (2006)

PE 10.2.10A Permian Fusulini Fauna of Peri-Gondwanan Affinity from Kalmard Region East-Central Iran and Its Significance for Tectonics and Paleogeography (2007)

PE 15.1.7A Permian stromatolites associated with bivalve coquina beds - Angatuba, SP, Brazil (Teresina Formation, Paraná Basin) (2012)

PE 15.2.17A Phase-contrast synchrotron microtomography reveals the morphology of a partially visible new Pseudogarypus in Baltic amber (Pseudoscorpiones: Pseudogarypidae) (2012)

PE 18.1.3FC Phylogenetically vetted and stratigraphically constrained fossil calibrations within Aves (2015)

PE 14.2.11A Phylogeny and escalation in Mellopegma and other Cambrian molluscs (2011)

PE 14.3.19A Platypterygius Huene,1922 (Ichthyosauria, Ophthalmosauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Texas, USA (2011)

PE 14.1.5A Pleistocene flora of Rio Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica (2011)

PE 17.3.44A Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean bathyal echinoids: evidence of adaptation to psychrospheric conditions and affinities with Atlantic assemblages (2014)

PE 17.1.4A (The) Polish sub-fossil chironomids (2014)

PE 14.3.18A Polyphyly, paraphyly, provinciality, and the promise of intercontinental correlation: Charles Repenning’s contributions to the study of arvicoline rodent evolution and biochronology (2011)

PE 9.2.8A Positioning and Enhanced Sterographic Imaging of Microfossils in Reflected Light (2006)

PE 15.3.28A (A) possible fossil paralarva (Cephalopoda: Coleoidea) from the Solnhofen Lithographic Limestones (Upper Jurassic, southern Germany (2012)

PE 14.3.35A Preliminary study of rodents of the Golliher B assemblage from Meade County, Kansas, USA indicates an intense cold period near the end of the Pleistocene (2011)

PE 8.1.13A (A) Procolophonid (Parareptilia) from the Owl Rock Member, Chinle Formation of Utah, USA (2005)

pe 16.2.20A Proportions, characters and chronologies: their contribution to systematic paleontology. A rebuttal to Furió and Pons-Monjo (2013)

PE 17.3.34A Protocetid cetaceans (Mammalia) from the Eocene of India (2014)


PE 9.1.4A Quantifying a Possible Miocene Phyletic Change in Hemipristis (Chondrichthyes) Teeth (2006)

PE 16.3.6T Quasi-homothetic transformation for comparing the mechanical performance of planar models in biological research (2013)

PE 1.2.9A QuickTime VR: A Powerful New Illustrative Tool for Micropaleontological Research (1998)


PE 16.3.26A Rare leaf fossils of Monimiaceae and Atherospermataceae (Laurales) from Eocene Patagonian rainforests and their biogeographic significance (2013)

PE 18.1.20A Reassessment of 'Plesiosaurus' megacephalus (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria) from the Triassic-Jurassic boundary, UK (2015)

PE 16.2.5T Re-evaluation of the Mesozoic mantis shrimp Ursquilla yehoachi based on new material and the virtual peel technique (2013)

PE 4.2.8A Re-Illustration and Revised Taxonomy for Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifers (2002)

PE 8.1.20A Relationship of Chitarwata Formation Paleodrainage and Paleoenvironments to Himalayan Tectonics and Indus River Paleogeography (2005)

PE 16.2.9A Relationships of the Cambrian Protomonaxonida (Porifera) (2013)

PE 12.2.3T Remote Sensing Applied to Paleontology: Exploration of Upper Cretaceous Sediments in Kazakhstan for Potential Fossil Sites (2009)

PE 17.3.45A Repair scars on Mactra violacea from the eastern coast of India: A new classification and a model for describing shell breakage on bivalves (2014)

PE 16.1.3A Reply to: Smith et al., "Comment on supposed holothurian body fossils from the middle Ordovician of Wales (Botting and Muir, Palaeontologia Electronica: 15.1.9A)" (2013)

PE 12.2.9A Response to Critique by Lucas et al. (2009) of Fassett (2009) Paper on Paleocene Dinosaurs of the San Juan Basin (2009)

PE 16.1.2T Retrodeformation as a test for the validity of phylogenetic characters: an example from diplodocid sauropod vertebrae (2013)

PE 17.2.26A Review of the Pliocene and Pleistocene Talpidae (Soricomorpha, Mammalia) of Poland (2014)

PE 11.3.12A (A) review of the post-mortem dispersal of Cephalopod shells (2008)

PE 15.3.29A (A) revised listing of fossil mammals from the Haasgat cave system ex situ deposits (HGD), South Africa (2012)

PE 17.1.20A Revision of basal macropodids from the Riversleigh World Heritage Area with descriptions of new material of Ganguroo bilamina Cooke, 1997 and a new species (2014)

PE 15.1.11A (A) revision of the Devonian Malvinokaffric dalmanitid trilobite Dalmanitoides Delo, 1935, (A) revision of the Devonian Malvinokaffric dalmanitid trilobite Dalmanitoides Delo, 1935,on the basis of new data from Argentina (2012)

PE 17.1.11A (A) revision of Heritschioides Yabe, 1950 (Anthozoa, Rugosa), latest Mississippian and earliest Pennsylvanian of western North America (2014)

PE 8.2.32A Role of Constraint and selection in the Morphologic evolution of Caryocorbula (Mollusca: Corbulidae) from the Caribbean Neogene (2005)


PE 8.1.27A Sauropod Dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of Malawi, Africa (2005)

PE 3.2.8A Sea surface-water temperature and isotopic reconstructions from nannoplankton data using artificial neural networks (2000)

PE 15.2.20A Sexual discrimination at work: Spinicaudatan ‘Clam Shrimp’ (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) as a model organism for the study of sexual system evolution (2012)

PE 14.3.32A Shrews, lagomorphs and rodents (excluding Cricetidae) from the Pliocene Panaca Formation, southeastern Nevada, USA (2011)

PE 18.1.4FC Sixteen vetted fossil calibrations for divergence dating of Charadriiformes (Aves, Neognathae) (2015)

PE 8.1.24A Small Rodents and a Lagomorph from the Early Miocene Bukwa Locality, Eastern Uganda (2005)

PE 8.1.18A Snakes of the Siwalik Group (Miocene of Pakistan): Systematics and Relationship to Environmental Change (2005)

PE 18.1.8A Soft-tissue anatomy of the Plesiosaur pectoral girdle inferred from basal Eosauropterygia taxa and the extant phylogenetic bracket (2015)

PE 1.2.7A Some Remarks and Emendation of the Family Arionoceratidae Dzik (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea) (1998)

PE 16.2.12A Sorex bifidus n. sp. and the rich insectivore mammal fauna (Erinaceomorpha, Soricomorpha, Mammalia) from the Early Pleistocene of Żabia Cave in Poland (2013)

PE 9.2.7A Source Code for Theoretical Morphologic Simulation of Helical Colony Form in the Bryozoa (2006)

PE 15.2.5T SPIERS and VAXML: A software toolkit for tomographic visualisation and a format for virtual specimen interchange (2012)

PE10.1.2A Stalked Crinoid Locomotion, and its Ecological and Evolutionary Implications (2007)

PE17.3.5E State of the Palaeoart (2014)

PE 16.3.32A Stereom microstructures of Cambrian echinoderms revealed by cathodoluminescence (CL) (2013)

PE 5.1.3A Sterographic Virtual Reality Representations of Microfossils in Light Microscopy (2002)

PE 14.3.44A The stratigraphic debate at Hueyatlaco, Valsequillo, Mexico (2011)

PE11.1.5A StrataPhy: A New Computer Program for Straocladistic Analysis (2008)

PE 11.1.3A Structural Mechanics of Pachycephalosaur Crania Permitted Head-Butting Behavior (2008)

PE 15.2.23A (The) study of cuticular and epidermal features in fossil plant impressions using silicone replicas for scanning electron microscopy (2012)

PE 17.3.37A Swimming through the substrate: the neoichnology of Chalcides ocellatus and biogenic structures of sand-swimming vertebrates (2014)

PE 18.1.3T Synopsis of European Neogene freshwater gastropod localities: updated stratigraphy and geography (2015)

PE 16.3.21A Systematics and dental microwear of the late Miocene Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Hayranlı, Anatolia: Implications for paleoecology and paleobiodiversity (2013)


PE 8.1.23A Taphonomic Observations on a Camel Skeleton in a Desert Environoment in Abu Dhabi (2005)

PE 17.3.36A Taphonomic patterns of a dinosaur accumulation in a lacustrine delta system in the Jurassic Morrison Formation, San Rafael Swell, Utah, USA (2014)

PE 15.2.16A (A) taxonomic guide to modern benthic shelf foraminifera of the western Mediterranean Sea (2012)

PE 14.3.42A Taxonomic diversity of Late Cenozoic Asian and North American ochotonids (overview) (2011)

PE 2.1.6A Taxonomy and the Security of Databases (1999)

PE 18.1.17A Taxonomy, ecology and biogeographical trends of dominant benthic foraminifera species from an Atlantic-Mediterranean estuary (the Guadiana, southeast Portugal) (2015)

PE 3.1.4A Teasing Fossils out of Shales with Cameras and Computers (2000)

PE 14.3.24A Terrestrial mammal fossils from the Wildcat Creek beds (Paleogene), Tieton River area, south-central Washington, USA (2011

PE 2.1.4A Thecamoebian Bibliography (The) (1999)

PE 6.1.5A Thecamoebian Bibliography, 2nd Edition (The) (2003)

PE 15.1.3A Thecamoebian communities as proxies of seasonality in Lake Sadatal in the Ganga-Yamuna Plains of North India (2012)

PE 8.1.28A Therapsids from the Permian Chiweta Beds and the Age of the Karoo Supergroup in Malawi (2005)

PE 2.2.12A Thermophysiology and Biology of Giganotosaurus: Comparison with Tyrannosaurus (1999)

PE 8.1.3A Translation of Otto Zdansky's "The Localities of the Hipparion Fauna of Baode Country in Northwest Shanxi" (1923) (2005)

PE 11.2.9A (A) Three-Dimensional Animation Model of Edmontosaurus (Hadrosauridae) for Testing Chewing Hypotheses (2008)

PE 12.3.12A Three-Dimensional Morphometric Ontogeny of Mollusc Shells by Micro-Computed Tomography and Geometric Analysis (2009)

PE 12.3.13A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of "Phycosiphoniform" Burrows: Implications for Identification of Trace Fossils in Core (2009)

PE 11.2.10A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Tooth Relationships During Carnivoran Chewing (2008)

PE 11.2.7A Three-Dimensional Re-Evaluation of the Deformation Removal Technique Based on "Jigsaw Puzzling" (2008)

PE 14.2.9A Timing of infaunalization in shallow-marine Early Paleozoic communities in Gondwanan settings: Discriminating evolutionary and paleogeographic controls (2011)

PE 16.1.1A Tooth enamel microstructure of Revueltosaurus and Krzyzanowskisaurus (Reptilia:Archosauria) from the Upper Triassic Chinle Group, USA: Implications for function, growth, and phylogeny (2013)

PE 17.3.40A (The) trace fossil Arachnostega in the Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica) (2014)

PE 7.2.6A Triassic and Cenozoic Palaeobiogeography: Two Case Studies in Quantitative Modelling Using IDL® (2004)

PE 8.1.9A  Turtle Tracks in the Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous) of South-Central Montana (2005)

PE 18.1.15A Two new species of Pseudaetobatus Cappetta, 1986 (Batoidei: Myliobatidae) from the southeastern United States (2015)

U, V, W

PE 8.1.17A  (An) Unusual Diatomyid Rodent from an Infrequently Sampled Late Miocene Interval in the Siwaliks of Pakistan (2005)

PE 16.2.16A (The) use of the species concept in paleontology. Comment on "Nesiotites rafelinensis sp. nov., the earliest shrew (Mammalia, Soricidae) from the Balearic Islands, Spain" by Rofes et al., 2012 (2013)

PE 13.1.5A Using GIS to Assess the Biogeographic Impact of Species Invasions on Native Brachiopods during the Richmondian Invasion in the Type-Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician, Cincinnati Region) (2010)

PE 14.3.41A Using left-right asymmetry to estimate non-genetic variability in vole teeth (Rodentia, Muridae, Arvicolinae) (2011)

PE 14.3.34A Variation in the lower dentition of a late Blancan (Late Pliocene) Cotton rat (Sigmodon curtisi) (2011)

PE 15.1.4A Vasseuromys rambliensis sp. nov. (Gliridae, Mammalia) from the Ramblian (Lower Miocene) of the Tudela Formation (Ebro basin, Spain) (2012)

PE 12.3.11A Virtual Palaeontology: Gait Reconstruction of Extinct Vertebrates Using High Performance Computing (2009)

PE 16.2.4T Virtual whitening of fossils using polynomial texture mapping (2013)

PE 12.3.7T Visualising Muscle Anatomy Using Three-Dimensional Computer Models - An Example Using the Head and Neck Muscles of Sphenodon (2009)

PE Visualizing the fluid flow through the complex skeletonized respiratory structures of a blastoid echinoderm (2015)

PE 17.1.9A Wavelet analysis of ammonoid sutures (2014

PE 8.1.19A Will Downs and the Zinda Pir Dome (2005)

PE 8.1.1A Will Downs' Role in the Geological Reconnaissance of River Canyons in Western China (2005)

PE 13.3.18A World Atlas of Distribution of Recent Polycystina (Radiolaria) (2010)

X, Y, Z

PE 16.3.29A X-ray micro-CT reconstruction reveals eight antennomeres in a new fossil taxon that constitutes a sister clade to Dundoxenos and Triozocera (Strepsiptera: Corioxenidae) (2013)


Copyright: Coquina Press, 2014