Logo and brand assets

This page provides Érudit's brand assets and guidelines on how to use them in accordance to our organisation's image, for both print and digital media.

Colours and graphics

Érudit's palette is composed of 3 colours: red, blue and grey.

  Red Blue Grey
RGB 255 66 66 10 36 99 247 247 247
HEX #ff4242 #0a2463 #f7f7f7
PANTONE 1788 2738

These colours are used in our graphics and must respect the following principles:

  1. White space must take up approximately ½ to ⅓ of the space.
  2. Red must be the prominent colour, not blue or grey.
  3. Combine any imagery or photographs with a solid flat tint of red.

An abstract Érudit illustration An abstract Érudit illustration An abstract Érudit illustration An abstract Érudit illustration

These graphics are available on request.


Érudit's typeface for print and digital communications is Maax, in bold and regular weights.

Maax regular Maax bold
echo echo
romeo romeo
uniform uniform
delta delta
india india
tango tango

Where the use of this typeface is not possible, please use one of the following sans-serif typefaces: Arial, Helvetica.

Acknowledgement and contact

Érudit's brand and this style guide were created by Wedge, a Montreal-based design studio.

The Maax typeface was developed by 205TF.

For further information, please contact Érudit's communications officer, Gwendal Henry: gwendal.henry@erudit.org.