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Educational Tools
The College of Nurses provides a number of educational tools to help nurses and employers understand and apply the standards and guidelines in their day-to-day practice.
The College also offers Practice Support to help nurses with specific practice-related enquiries.
To learn more about other self-directed tools and resources, select any item from the list you see here.
Abuse Prevention
Details about One Is One Too Many, the College’s abuse prevention program.
Ask Practice
The College answers questions about nursing practice.
Learning Modules
A series of online resources designed to help nurses understand and apply Practice Standards.
Medication Decision Tool
This tool is designed to help you apply the Medication practice standard. The practice standard is principle-based, which means that it uses broad statements. You will need to use critical inquiry and your knowledge, skill and judgment when making decisions about medication practices. This tool is...
Pandemic Planning
Information and resources to assist nurses, employers and facility operators in the event of a declared pandemic.
Infirmières praticiennes
Les infirmières praticiennes (IP), aussi appelées infirmières autorisées de la catégorie spécialisée, sont des infirmières qui répondent à des exigences plus poussées en matière de formation, d’expérience et d’examen fixées par l’Ordre. Elles sont autorisées à émettre des diagnostics, à ordonner...
Virtual forums for nurses, students and employers to discuss nursing-related issues.
On-demand videos of interest to nurses, nursing educators and other stakeholders who wish to learn more about current regulatory issues and the role the College plays in nursing regulation.