How Green is your Campus?

Trumpeter (1991)

ISSN: 0832-6193

How Green is your Campus?

Guy Dauncy

Scoring: Yes = 2 Partly/We are discussing this = 1 No = 0

  1. Does your campus regularly recycle its waste paper, cardboard, cans, and glass? (2/1/0)
  2. Does our campus use recycled paper? (2/1/0)
  3. Does your campus seek to avoid the use of disposable paper, plastic and styrofoam cups and plates? (2/1/0)
  4. Has your campus eliminated the use of aerosol sprays and halon fire extinguishers that contain CFCs? (2/1/0)
  5. Does your campus check its rooftop heat-exchange and air-conditioning units regularly for leaking freon? (2/1/0)
  6. Does your campus check its freezers for leaking CFCs? (2/1/0)
  7. Does your campus use environment-friendly cleaning liquids? (2/1/0)
  8. Does your campus avoid the use of garden and household pesticides, and use environment-friendly alternatives instead? (2/1/0)
  9. Does your campus have an active energy-reduction strategy to reduce its production of carbon dioxide? (2/1/0)
  10. Does your campus encourage the use of bikes, car-sharing and public transport, and discourage car-use by staff and students? (2/1/0)
  11. Does your campus kitchen offer a choice of healthy, vegetarian (preferably organic) food, and free-range eggs? (2/1/0)
  12. Does your campus kitchen collect its food-waste to turn into compost, or to feed to pigs? (2/1/0)
  13. Do your campus grounds provide a safe habitat for wildlife, and offer beauty and silence to students and staff? (2/1/0)
  14. Do your campus chemistry laboratories reclaim all their chemical wastes, never allowing any to be poured down the drain? (2/1/0)
  15. Does your campus have a set of guidelines relating to participation in animal experimentation? (2/1/0)
  16. Does your campus have a set of guidelines relating to participation in military research contracts? (2/1/0)
  17. Does your campus ensure that donations, pensions and other funds are invested in a socially and environmentally responsible manner? (2/1/0)
  18. Does your campus library have a special section of books and magazines concerned with the world environmental crisis? (2/1/0)
  19. Have your campus departments been encouraged to redesign their courses in the light of the world environmental crisis? (2/1/0)
  20. Has your campus undertaken a full environmental audit of its various activities? (2/1/0)
  21. Has your campus set up an inter-disciplinary environmental action team or committee to look into possibilities for action? (2/1/0)
  22. Does your campus have an overall environmental policy to provide a framework for its various activities? (2/1/0)
  23. Has your campus Students' Society raised motions relating to environmental issues at open meetings? (2/1/0)
  24. Has your campus offered its services to the local community to assist with environmental problem-solving and policy-making? (2/1/0)
  25. Does your campus have an interdisciplinary environmental studies program? (2/1/0)


  • 45-50 You're doing great! Take a Green Medal.
  • 30-44 You're doing well. How about making it the whole way?
  • 15-29 You've made a start - but you're not a green campus yet.
  • 1-14 Your campus has plenty of room for improvement. Must do better.


EcoPsychology Online Athabasca University Athabasca University