Last Frontier

Trumpeter (1990)

ISSN: 0832-6193

Last Frontier

Walt Franklin

 The tavern is a last frontier,
 A flower on the grave of wildness. 
 When a last primeval forest
 With machinery of our greed, unruly
 Passionate drinkers root the earth 
 Like crowberry, saxifrage and moss
 In a northern hinterland. Then,
 A Greek barwoman, bent with age,
 Serves cold beer and homemade soup, 
 A jukebox dishes up another disc of
 Unrequited love, even as the city
 Stalks for renovation, uniformity,
 As a nation stalks with caribou-grace
 To drink from hidden pools of wealth! 
 Drinkers sense the myth of Midas,
 Know a history from saloon to
 Disco-bar, from tundra's voice
 To engine's wail, from gold to oil. 
 The tavern is a last frontier,
 A flower on the grave of wildness.
 Still, the root remains.


EcoPsychology Online Athabasca University Athabasca University