A Dream of the Future

Trumpeter (1990)

ISSN: 0832-6193

A Dream of the Future

Wu Shi-Ching

A free-of-structure tongue becomes
 An international language. 
Economists price the maple individuals
 As a factor in financial model.
Scientists have synthesized a medicine called Emotion
 From the forgotten Soul.
While Computers are treated like autumn fallings. 
Loggers pray the prayers of Trees.
 Fishermen reply to the calls of Wind, Waves and Whales. 
 People travel by Mind Power,
 Not by Horse Power.
Climbers scratch mountains with bare hands and feet. 
 Families value holism as well as individualism.
 Children take summer naps on rotten logs. 
 Pollutants, even from the construction of 'Inner Temple',
 Are being removed. 
Most Everybody honours themselves
 As a Buddha. 
 This is not a dream of contemporary beliefs. 

PID: http://hdl.handle.net/10515/sy5rv0dc6

EcoPsychology Online Athabasca University Athabasca University