
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

We encourage past contributors to continue submitting pieces in the genres that have characterized The Trumpeter since its inception, and we encourage both past and new contributors to submit work that will allow us to represent a wide range of approaches, perspectives, insights, and methodologies. We also continue to encourage submissions of narrative articles, poetry, and art, and we remain on the lookout for genuinely creative and innovative pieces.

All journal articles received for publication will be submitted to a blind peer-review process. Narratives, opinion pieces, artwork, book reviews, and other non-peer reviewed materials will be adjudicated by the editor. Poetry submissions will be reviewed by our poetry editor and accepted or rejected on that basis. Generally, we do not publish material that has been previously published, however, if the editor believes an article, which has received limited previous exposure, is important to the Deep Ecology movement, we will make exceptions.

Submission Policy and Criteria
When registering you must select, at least, "AUTHOR" from the list. If you failed to do this, you may subsequently, edit your account. After registering you may upload submissions online. All submissions must be in Word or RTF format. MAC users must convert all submissions to Word or RTF format, prior to submitting.

If you are unable to register or upload submissions, please contact a Managing Editor.

All submitted journal articles must include an abstract. Narratives, reviews, or poems do not need to include an abstract.

Please use standard academic referencing in the humanities. A reference list containing all the works cited in the article (and only the works cited) should be included at the end of the article. Use the Chicago Manual of Style author-date format for the reference list.

Use the endnote function for all notes. For in-text citations, use the author-date system with endnotes. Please refer to a recent issue of The Trumpeter for samples of correct citation and referencing. Ensure that all references and bibliographical materials are correct.

The Trumpeter makes extensive use of commas to avoid ambiguity (e.g., use commas to mark subordinate clauses and parenthetical phrases, along with other standard uses).

Unnecessary formatting, hyperbole, polemics, and the like are discouraged. The use of dashes and emphasis markers (underlining, italics, bold face) should be kept to a minimum. Avoid extensive use of quotation marks to suggest irony or special usage. The text and context of the writing should make clear what is important.

Although we invite pieces that may require technical language, technical terminology and jargon should be used only where needed and, in those cases, explained as clearly as possible for an intelligent lay audience.

Use the following formatting techniques:

double-space using 12 pt type;
use double quotes to mark concepts, terms, titles of articles, and direct quotations;
use single quotes to mark quotations within quotations and scare quotes;
direct quotation of more than 40 words should be set off in separate, indented paragraphs;
italicize book and journal titles and foreign words;
align left: avoid the use of justification commands.
Pictures (photographs, line art, or scans) may be included provided they are clear, in focus, relevant to the material, and free of copyright restrictions.

1. create a title page for your submission
2. include your name or affiliation in the submission
3. paginate the submission.

The Trumpeter uses the Canadian Oxford Dictionary to determine spelling, capitalization, correct use, and hyphenation.

Include, in a brief biographical note, information about you that is pertinent to the article and the Deep Ecology community and, if you wish, a conventional or electronic address. See a recent issue for examples.

Copyright Policy
Authors who submit articles to The Trumpeter assign a limited license that allows the International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication (ICAAP) to redistribute all articles on a CD-ROM. This CD-ROM is intended to provide permanent archives of ICAAP materials as well as generate revenue for ICAAP's affiliated journals.

Copies of this journal or articles in this journal may be reprinted for educational purposes free of charge and without further permission, provided the author and original source are acknowledged. However redistribution in any form (commercial or otherwise) is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the copyright holder.

Except for the conditions stated above, the authors reserve all rights over the work contained herein.

If you have any questions, contact the managing editor.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. I, the author, represent and warrant that the material I am submitting for publication (the Work):
    a) does not contain any libelous or unlawful statements;
    b) does not infringe on any copyright, privacy rights or any other proprietary rights;
    c) has not been previously published elsewhere in its entirety. In the event, the Work contains material that has been previously published, such excerpted material has been attributed to the proper author(s) and identifies where it has been previously published; and
    d) is my sole, original work, or in the case the Work is prepared jointly by more than one author, I warrant that I have been authorized by all co-authors to submit the Work on their behalf.
  2. I agree to hold harmless, indemnify and defend the journal publishers, its employees, contractors and agents from any and all losses, damages, expenses, claims, suits and demands of whatever nature (including legal fees and expenses on a solicitor client basis) resulting from any breach of the above warranties.
  3. By submitting the Work, I agree that the right to reproduce and distribute the Work has been given to the journal publishers and they may authorize third parties to republish, index or share the Work, or portions or derivatives thereof in alternate formats. However, I agree,
    that I as author, will retain copyright of the Work and may reuse and redistribute the Work.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


EcoPsychology Online Athabasca University Athabasca University