Higher Education Perspectives

This issue of Higher Education Perspectives online is dedicated to Dr. Berta Vigil Laden who tragically passed away this past November. Berta, as she was known to all of her friends and students, was a great supporter of HEP online, and encouraged me in my role as editor while I was working on the first online issue back in January 2004. Indeed, anyone who met Berta whether virtually through email, through her own scholarship, or in person always walked away from her feeling a sense of encouragement and inspiration. It is, simply, the way she made people feel and it was this remarkable gift that made all of her students and peers love her so much. Despite being ill, Berta maintained her high energy and her high spirits up until her last days at OISE/UT. She continued to touch and inspire students and faculty and we will miss her dearly. This issue of HEP online contains some memorials of her written by students and faculty here at OISE/UT.

Vol 3, No 1 (2007)

Table of Contents

Memories of Berta

A poem for Berta Abstract PDF
Reva Joshee
A virtual encounter with Berta PDF
Rosario Carrasco


Indigenous post-secondary institutions in Canada and the U.S. Abstract PDF
Andrea L. Jenkins
Internationalizing the curriculum in business schools: A discussion of issues and first steps Abstract PDF
Eric J LeBlanc
Understanding Chinese international graduate students adaptation to learning in North America: A cultural perspective Abstract PDF
Zhongheng Zhang, Juan Xu
The values we prize: A comparative analysis of mission statements Abstract PDF
Carolin Kreber, Christine Mhina

Book/Media Reviews

Invisible adjunct: A review of Rajagopal's Hidden academics: Contract faculty in Canadian universities Abstract PDF
Creso Sa
The ubiquitous university: A review of Imagining the academy: Higher education and popular culture Abstract PDF
Bryan Gopaul

Higher Education Perspectives. ISSN: 1710-1530