- General - G-7 Statements - WTO Papers - Related Links -

Canada takes part in a number of international trade, financial and economic organizations, such as the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and the Financial Stability Forum.  Canada also takes part in the G-7 and the G-20.  Finance Canada has a lead role in managing our country’s activities in these institutions.

The Department also plays an important role in negotiating our trade arrangements with other nations and monitoring how those arrangements serve Canada’s interests.

  Post -September 11th: initiatives in the financial sector.


Report on Operations under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act: annual.
Report on Operations under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act: annual.
Status of International Tax Treaty Negotiations.

World Trade Organization Papers

Anti-Dumping Information Paper.
(June 2001; posted October 2001).
Discussion Paper on Emergency Safeguard Mechanism.
(June 2001; posted July 24, 2001).
Discussion Paper on Safeguards.
(Preparations for Multilateral Trade Negotiations)
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures - Information Paper.
(October 2001).

Related Links

Canadian Economy Online.
Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering Consultations - Review of the FATF 40  Recommendations.
International Trade and Finance (HotLinks).
Joint Statement of NAFTA Governments.

Last Updated: 2004-08-25

Important Notices