Finance Canada - Budget 2000
Budget Plan - Annexes

Budget 2000 leaf  

Annex 1

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Annex 1
Spending, Tax Relief and Debt Reduction Since the 1997 Budget

The following tables present the fiscal impact of the spending and tax relief initiatives since 1997-98 – the first year a budgetary surplus was recorded since 1969-70. They show the various initiatives undertaken in the 1998, 1999 and 2000 budgets, as well as cumulative totals.

Table A1.1 summarizes the fiscal impact of the initiatives over the period 1997-98 to 2002-03. In addition, it shows the reduction in public debt realized to date.

Tax relief since 1997-98 has been of two forms – tax expenditures and general tax relief. Tax expenditure measures include the Canada Child Tax Benefit, the education credit, credit for interest on student loans, and caregivers’ credit, among others. While netted against revenues in the Government’s financial statements, the tax expenditure measures in many respects share features similar to spending initiatives. They provide benefits to targeted groups – benefits which could be delivered through spending programs. In contrast, general tax relief affects the basic parameters of the income tax system and provides benefits to a large number of taxpayers. This includes changes to tax rates, the amount of income that a taxpayer can earn tax free and the elimination of the surtax. As a result, the overall allocation of the initiatives between spending, tax relief and debt reduction is affected by whether the tax expenditure measures are included as tax reduction or spending. Table A 1.1 shows it both ways.

Table A.1.1
Cumulative Amount of Spending, Tax Relief and Debt Reduction From 1997-98 to 2002-03

Tax expenditures
as tax relief

as spending

billions of dollars per cent of total billions of dollars per cent of total

Spending initiatives
  Improving the quality of life of Canadians 29.8 25.0 37.7 31.5
  Making Canada’s economy more
17.6 14.7 19.3 16.1
  Providing essential public services 7.7 6.5 7.7 6.5
  Total spending initiatives 55.2 46.3 64.7 54.2
Tax expenditures and general tax
  Tax expenditures
   Making Canada’s economy more
1.5 1.2
   Improving the quality of life of Canadians 7.8 6.6
   Tax fairness measures 0.2 0.2
  General tax relief 32.1 26.9 32.1 26.9
  EI premium reductions1 16.1 13.5 16.1 13.5
  Total tax initiatives 57.6 48.3 48.1 40.4
Debt reduction 6.4 5.4 6.4 5.4
Total 119.2 100.0 119.2 100.0

1 Assumes a 10-cent-per-year reduction in employee premium rates for 2001, 2002 and 2003. Actual rates are set each year by the Employment Insurance Commission.
Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.

The cumulative amount of spending, tax relief and debt reduction over the 1997-98 to 2002-03 period is $119.2 billion. Including the tax expenditure measures as part of overall tax relief, new spending initiatives amount to $55.2 billion – 46 per cent of the total – tax relief amounts to $57.6 billion and there was $6.4 billion of debt relief – 54 per cent of the total. The debt reduction total only includes the actual reduction in public debt to date. To the extent that the annual $3 billion Contingency Reserve, included in the fiscal projections over the 1999-2000 to 2002-03 period, is not needed, the amount of debt reduction would increase correspondingly.

The ratios are reversed if the tax expenditure measures are included in spending.

With tax expenditure measures included in spending, the cumulative amount of spending initiatives is $64.7 billion – 54 per cent of the total – compared to general tax relief and EI premium rate reductions of $48.1 billion and debt reduction of $6.4 billion – 46 per cent of the total.

Table A.1.2
Spending and Tax Initiatives: February 2000 Budget


(millions of dollars)
Spending initiatives
  Improving the quality of life for Canadians and
   their children
   Canada Health and Social Transfer1 2,500
   Support for families with children 607 965
   Opportunities for Canadians with
33 37 32
  Assisting the homeless 63 235 220 220
  Total 2,563 268 863 1,217
Making the economy more competitive
  Investing and research and innovation
   Canada Foundation for Innovation 900
   Genome Canada 160
   Other 35 208 278 268
   Total 1,095 208 278 268
Promoting environmental technologies and practices 235 148 143 159
Strengthening federal, provincial and municipal infrastructure 300 550 750
Total 1,330 656 971 1,177
Providing essential public services
   Defence 634 546 550 600
   Economic adjustment 661 511 500
   Furthering international co-operation 175 110 155 200
   Operating and capital 505 1,000 834 760
   Total 1,974 2,167 2,039 1,560
  Total spending initiatives 5,867 3,091 3,873 3,953
Tax expenditures and general tax actions
Improving the quality of life for Canadians and their children
Canada Child Tax Benefit 475 1,020 1,350
General tax relief and fairness measures
  Personal income tax relief 2,835 4,600 5,830
  Corporate income tax reductions -65 320 475
  Fairness measures -25 -55 -30 -25
  Reduction in EI premium rates2 345 1,392 2,174 2,980
  Total 320 4,107 7,064 9,260
  Total tax initiatives 320 4,582 8,084 10,610
Total spending and tax initiatives 6,186 7,672 11,957 14,563

1 The 1999-2000 CHST cash supplement will be paid into a third-party trust in 2000-01, on passage of authorizing legislation.
2 Assumes a 10-cent-per-year reduction in employee premium rates for 2001, 2002 and 2003. Actual rates are set each year by the Employment Insurance Commission.
Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Table A.1.3
Spending and Tax Initiatives: February 1999 Budget


(millions of dollars)

Building a secure society
  Strengthening health care for Canadians
   Canada Health and Social Transfer1 3,500 1,000 2,000 2,500
   Other health care initiatives
   Improving health information
95 28 85 120 120
   Promoting health-related research
   and innovation1
160 50 115 225 225
   First Nations health services 20 60 110 110
   Preventive and other health
49 104 134 134
   Total 255 147 364 589 589
  New partnerships with Aboriginal peoples 49 144 159 159
  Crime prevention 13 95 128 159 159
  Furthering international co-operation 187 55 80 80 80
  Addressing environmental challenges 12 18 17 17 17
   Equalization: technical improvements 48 97 145 194
   Official languages in education 70 70 70 70
   Parks Canada 35
   Compensation and benefit issues in
    the military
175 175 175 175
  Total 4,002 658 2,074 3,393 3,942
Building a strong economy
  Building on the Canadian
  Opportunitie Strategy
  Creating knowledge
   Canada Foundation for Innovation2 100
   Support for advanced research 16 50 55 55 55
  Disseminating knowledge 27 42 27 27
  Commercializing knowledge 121 232 317 317
  Supporting employment 265 265 265 265
Total 116 463 594 664 664
  Economic adjustment
  Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and
   Restructuring Program600
355 116 48
  Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance Program 600 285 15
  DEVCO 41 5 21 21 21
  Total 1,241 645 152 69 21
  Total: Building a strong economy 1,357 1,108 746 733 685
Total spending initiatives 5,358 1,766 2,820 4,126 4,627
Tax expenditures and general tax actions
  Building a secure society
  Increase in Canada Child Tax Benefit 225 300 300
  General tax relief and fairness 
   Extension of $500 supplement to all
665 1,110 1,290 1,499
   Increase in tax-free income by $175 270 450 525 613
   Elimination of 3 per cent surtax 595 995 1,150 1,329
   Tax fairness measures 15 25 100 100
   Reduction in 1999 EI premiums3 300 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250
  Total 300 2,795 3,830 4,315 4,791
Total 300 2,795 4,055 4,615 5,091
Total spending and tax initiatives 5,658 4,561 6,875 8,741 9,717

1 CHST supplement in 1998-99 was paid to a third party trust in 1999-2000.
2 An additional $200 million is being allocated to the Canada Foundation for Innovation. It is expected that about half will be used to improve infrastructure for health research.
3 Change from 1999 budget.
Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Table A.1.4
Spending and Tax Initiatives: February 1998 Budget


(millions of dollars)
The Canadian Opportunities Strategy
  Millennium Scholarship
  Canada study grants 100 100 100 100 100 100
  Increased funding for granting
120 135 150 150 150 150
  Student Loans Program 50 145 150 158 158 158
  Canada Education Savings
267 511 744 979 1,164
  Connecting Canadians to
  information and skills
55 60 70 75 75 75
  Supporting youth employment 50 75 100 100 100
  Total 2,555 647 1,036 1,319 1,562 1,747
Building a secure society
  Increase in CHST cash floor 200 900 1,500 1,500 1,400 1,200
  Other health initiatives
   National AIDS Strategy 41 41 41 41 41
   Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative 7 7 7 7 7
   Sustaining Canada’s blood
55 55 25 25 25
   Hepatitis C1 800
   Tobacco Demand Reduction
10 10 10 10 10
  Total 800 113 113 83 83 83
Total 1,000 1,013 1,613 1,583 1,483 1,283
Support for families
   Increased funding for
   Assistance for persons with
15 20 20 20 20
  New partnership with Aboriginal
350 126 126 126 126 126
  Promoting Canadian culture and
43 103 153 153 153 153
  Strengthening communities 42 67 67 67 67
  Environmental efficiency and
94 94 94 94 94
  Furthering international
90 70 20 20 20 20
  Total 1,483 1,463 2,093 2,063 1,963 1,763
Total spending initiatives 4,038 2,110 3,129 3,382 3,525 3,510
Tax expenditures and general tax actions
  The Canadian Opportunities
   Credit for interest on student
80 130 145 155 165
   Life-long learning (RRSPs) 15 40 45 50 55
   Part-time education tax credit
   (includes part-time CCED)
25 90 90 90 90
  EI premium holiday for youth 100 100
  Total 120 360 380 295 310
  Building a secure society
   Deductibility of health/dental
   insurance premiums
90 110 125 125
   Caregiver credit 30 120 125 130 130
   Canada Child Tax Benefit 320 750 850 850
   Child care expense deduction 20 45 45 45 45
   Disability measures 5 5 5 5 5
   Alternative minimum tax and
70 20 20 20 20
   Emergency services 5 10 10 10 10
   Total 130 610 1,065 1,185 1,185
  General tax relief and fairness
  Eliminate surtax for taxpayers up
   to $50,000
710 1,175 1,365 1,430 1,498
  Tax relief for low-income
170 270 315 330 346
  Reduction in EI premiums1 235 725 725 725 725 725
  Tax fairness measures -5 -25 30 35 41
  Total 235 1,600 2,145 2,435 2,520 2,610
Total targeted and general tax actions 235 1,850 3,115 3,880 4,000 4,105
Total spending and tax actions 4,273 3,960 6,244 7,262 7,525 7,615

1 Revised from February 1998 budget.
Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Table A.1.5
Summary of Spending and Tax Actions in 1998, 1999 and 2000 budgets

Cumulative total

(millions of dollars)
Spending initiatives
  Building a secure society
  Strengthening health
   care for Canadians
  Canada Health and
  Social Transfer
200 4,400 4,000 2,500 3,400 3,700 18,200
  Other health initiatives 800 368 260 447 672 672 3,218
Other 483 697 1,054 1,458 2,147 2,550 8,388
Total 1,483 5,465 5,313 4,405 6,219 6,921 29,806
Building a strong economy
  Canadian Opportunities
2,555 763 2,829 2,569 3,197 3,588 15,501
  Economic adjustment 1,241 645 152 69 21 2,128
  Total 2,555 2,004 3,474 2,721 3,266 3,609 17,629
  Providing essential public
1,974 2,167 2,039 1,560 7,739
Total spending initiatives 4,038 7,469 10,761 9,292 11,523 12,089 55,173
Tax expenditures and general tax relief
  Canadian Opportunities
120 360 380 295 310 1,465
  Building a secure society
   Canada Child Tax
320 1,450 2,170 2,500 6,440
  Other 130 290 315 335 335 1405
  General tax relief 880 2,975 7,005 9,645 11,590 32,095
  Tax fairness measures -5 -35 0 105 116 181
  EI premium reductions 235 1,025 2,320 3,367 4,149 4,955 16,050
Total 235 2,150 6,230 12,517 16,699 19,805 57,636
Total spending and tax initiatives 4,273 9,619 16,991 21,809 28,213 31,895 112,809

Note: Numbers may not add due to rounding.

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