Budget 2000 : Better finances, better lives.

Budget Plan

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Table of Contents

 Chapter 1 - Introduction and Overview.

Chapter 2 - Economic Development and Prospects.

Chapter 3 - Maintaining Sound Financial Management.

Chapter 4 - Five-Year Tax Reduction Plan.

Chapter 5 - Making Canada's Economy More Innovative.

Chapter 6 - Improving the Quality of Life of Canadians and Their Children.


1 - Spending, Tax Relief and Debt Reduction Since the 1997 Budget.
2 - The Budgetary Balance, Financial Requirements/Surplus, and the National Accounts Budget Balance.
3 - The Restoration of Fiscal Health in the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Government Sector.
4 - Canada's Financial Progress in an International Context.
5 - Fiscal Outlook: Sensitivity to Economic Assumptions.
6 - The Government's Response to the Auditor General's Observations on the 1999 Financial Statements.
7 - Tax Measures: Supplementary Information and Notices of Ways and Means Motions.
- Notice of Ways and Means Motions.

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