Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Print and Electronic Documents

The printed budget document is the official version as produced by the Department of Finance Canada. The Department assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted in the electronic version.


In order to make this website more accessible, Finance Canada has employed templates that:

  • are XHTML 1.0 Strict conformant, to improve compatibility with adaptive technologies, handheld devices, browsers and search engines
  • have been successfully tested on a wide range of adaptive technologies and browser/platform combinations to ensure that Canadians can access web pages regardless of the technology used
  • include major components, such as the common menu bar, side menu and content area that are properly marked up with headings to simplify navigation with a screen reader
  • employ a layout and design without tables to simplify screen reader navigation by reducing the structural complexity of web pages
  • use scaleable fonts and text-based navigational elements to improve accessibility and simplify navigation using adaptive technologies
  • provide printer-friendly functionality in the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to make pages more compatible with printers and to prevent printing unnecessary page elements separate visual presentation from the document structure

Alternative Document Formats and Plug-ins

All budget documents are available in XHTML as the primary format.

In some cases, other software formats are provided as alternatives. To open these alternate formats, you may need to download and install one or more of the following on your computer:

PDF – Portable Document Format. To access these files you must have a PDF reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, there are numerous PDF readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet:

RTF – Rich Text format. To access these files use the document conversion features available in most word processing software, or use a file viewer capable of reading RTF.

Media Players (for viewing multimedia content)

To enjoy the Budget 2011 multimedia features, you will need to download and install the appropriate players.
  • Flash Player:  Use Adobe Flash Player to view the full budget story with the help of animation, charts, short video clips of Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty taking viewers through the budget’s key features and a slide show presentation with explanatory voice-over.
  • Windows Media Player: Use Windows Media Player to view a livecast of the Minister delivering the budget speech in the House of Commons.

Technical Difficulties

If you encounter technical difficulties on this site or have difficulty accessing any of the content available here, please contact the webmaster at