Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Information for Business

Partnering with industry

As custodian of $7 billion worth of real property holdings, PWGSC relies on numerous external organizations to deliver its services. By working in partnership with the real property industry, PWGSC benefits from private sector expertise, achieving the best possible value for Canadian taxpayers.

Under an Alternative Forms of Delivery (AFD) model, PWGSC partners with the private sector to deliver real property services, but retains full accountability for standards and performance. Multi-year contracts came into effect on April 1, 2005, with SNC-Lavalin ProFac for property management services in most of PWGSC's office buildings across the country. These contracts cover services such as property management, project delivery up to $1 million, lease administration and facility management.

Working with industry associations and organizations

We work closely with key associations and organizations to maintain strong Canadian and international knowledge in the area of real property. PWGSC has agreements with Canadian associations of architects, professional engineers, interior designers, building managers and appraisers. We also promote collaborative relationships with our counterparts in provincial and territorial public works organizations through the sharing of information and regular meetings.

Doing business with us

For more information about doing business with the federal government, please visit the Buy and Sell Web site.