Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Register for Deposit of PILT Payments by Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Municipalities and other taxing authorities now have the option of receiving their PILT payments via EDI which directly deposits funds into the taxing authority's bank account.

EDI offers a fast, secure and reliable alternative to the issuance and processing of printed cheques. You will receive an information stub from the bank as well as a written explanation of the payment amount from your Regional PILT Office around the time of the deposit.

There are two implications of EDI of which you should be aware:

  1. A Procurement Business Number (PBN) for PILT Payments only is a prerequisite: The Procurement Business Number, or PBN, is a standard identifier for doing business with the federal government, so the taxing authority may already have a PBN. However, to use EDI for deposit of PILT payments to the taxing authority's bank account, a unique PBN, used for PILT payments only, is required. It must be distinct from other PBNs your taxing authority may have for receiving other payments from PWGSC. If your taxing authority does not have a PBN for PILT payments specifically, it must obtain one by registering in the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system or by phone at 1-800-811-1148.
  2. You will need to verify if your Financial Institution offers EDI and what fee is charged as fees vary from one institution to another.


To register for the receipt of PILT Payments by EDI your taxing authority will need to complete the following form:

  • Registration form
    Open and print the registration form, complete off-line and return to your Regional PILT Office by mail or fax. The addresses of all our regional offices are at the bottom of the registration form.

Note: Prior to making your first EDI payment, PWGSC will do an initial payment of $10.01 to ensure that the money is deposited to the correct account. Your Financial Institution must be aware of this initial payment.

PILT: Applications On-line
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Place des Explorateurs
191 Promenade du Portage, 6th Floor
Gatineau (Hull), Quebec
K1A 0S5

Toll Free: 1-866-258-7774
Fax: 613-736-2717