Subscribe to the Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed
Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed 
Subscribing to the Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed allows you to see when the water level forecast for Lake Nipissing and the French River has been updated on the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) website. By subscribing, you get the latest update in one place, as soon as it is published.
What is a RSS Feed?
A Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed is an XML-based format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.
A RSS Feed allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. You ensure your privacy, by not needing to join each site's email newsletter.
How do I subscribe to the Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed?
To subscribe to the Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed, you need a RSS Feed reader or you need to be using Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0 as your Web browser. These browsers have built-in RSS Feed readers so that you don't have to download a separate RSS Feed reader program. If you're using either of these Web browsers, please follow the appropriate instructions below. Otherwise, you may skip to the second set of instructions listed below for use with a separate Feed reader program.
Subscribing to a Feed using Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0 or Mozilla Firefox
- Click on the 'Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed' button
- Select "Subscribe" (Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0) or "Subscribe Now" (Mozilla Firefox).
- Save the Feed to the bookmark of your choice and you have successfully subscribed to the Water Level Forecast RSS Feed.
- Once you have saved the bookmark the updated Lake Nipissing and French River Recorded Water Level Forecast will be delivered to your browser. All you need to do is to select the bookmark that you saved in the previous step.
Subscribing to the Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed using separate RSS Feed reader software
To subscribe to an RSS Feed using a separate feed reader software program (which is required when using older versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera and other Web browsers), follow the instructions below:
- Ensure that you have downloaded a feed reader (some options for feed readers are listed below).
- Click on the 'Water Level and Flow Information RSS Feed' button
- Copy the URL (Web page address) from the website address bar.
- Launch your separate RSS feed reader program, paste the copied URL into an Add New Feed window and you have successfully subscribed to the feed.
- Once you have subscribed to the feed the updated Lake Nipissing and French River Recorded Water Level Forecast will be delivered to your feed reader software program. All you need to do is to open the feed reader program.
Where are RSS feed readers available?
There are numerous RSS feed readers available. Different RSS feed readers work on different operation systems, so you will need to choose one that works with your computer.
Some options are listed below. Please note that all links to non-Government of Canada Web sites are provided for user-convenience only. PWGSC is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of content on external Web sites.
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