Frequently Asked Questions

What is public opinion research?

Public opinion research, as defined in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, is

"the planned gathering, by or for a government institution of opinions, attitudes, perceptions, judgements, feelings, ideas, reactions, or views that are intended to be used for any government purpose, whether that information is collected from persons (including employees of government institutions), businesses, institutions or other entities, through quantitative or qualitative methods, irrespective of size or cost."

Why does the Government of Canada conduct public opinion research?

Public opinion research helps the Government of Canada to better understand Canadian society and to identify citizen needs and expectations. It is used to assess the public's response to proposals or to possible changes or initiatives; to assess the effectiveness of policies, programs and services; to measure progress in service improvement; to evaluate the effectiveness of communication activities such as advertising; and to plan and evaluate marketing initiatives, among other applications.

Does the Government of Canada conduct public opinion polls for partisan political purposes?

No. In keeping with the principles of a non-partisan public service, departments and agencies may not issue contracts or expend public funds for research on electoral voting intentions, or political party preferences or party standings with the electorate.

What types of public opinion studies are conducted for the Government of Canada?

Examples include policy-making, marketing, communications and advertising, program evaluation, quality of service studies, customer satisfaction studies, product development and web site testing and evaluation.

The information gathered assists in various tasks:

  • developing programs, services and communications products;
  • assessing policy initiatives and plans;
  • designing delivery methods for government programs and services;
  • measuring the demands and expectations of the Canadian population and stakeholders (e.g. businesses); and
  • evaluating programs and services to ensure value for public money spent.

What is the role of Public Works and Government Services Canada in public opinion research for the Government of Canada?

Public Works and Government Services Canada provides a mandatory common service coordinating public opinion research for federal institutions. Public Works and Government Services Canada provides guidance, offers advice, organizes information sessions, and develops research guides and other publications. These help federal organizations to achieve their research objectives and meet their accountabilities in ensuring the value and quality of the research they undertake.

Are the results of recent public opinion research studies conducted for the Government of Canada available to me?

Yes. As of August 1, 2006, the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada requires all federal departments and agencies to deposit with Library and Archives Canada the final reports of all Public Opinion Research for which a contract was awarded. Departments are required to deposit those reports within six months of the completion of the data collection for public opinion research.