Our Transformation Initiatives

Check out our featured initiatives

Improving the way we do business

  • 32 Departmental Service Agreements will be signed by 2013-2014 setting priorities and planning collaboratively with client departments.
  • Client Engagement Framework a consistent approach to our day-to-day interactions with clients.
  • Client Barometer Broadening our tool to regularly measure clients' overall satisfaction.
  • Reporting on our performance and raising the bar for our service standards.
  • Launching a personalized “single-window” service strategy for small departments and agencies.

Communication and training

  • Client service training for PWGSC staff, resulting from a new client service competency.
  • Client-oriented Web presence integrating our current service channels to increase accessibility of services.
  • The Advantage a new e-bulletin with the latest information on our services and initiatives. Coming Soon!