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Solutions-Based Informatics Professional Services (SBIPS) Supply Arrangement

Table of Contents

Supply Arrangement – SBIPS EN537-05IT01

The following clauses apply to and form part of any Supply Arrangement resulting from the Request for a Supply Arrangement (RFSA). Only Suppliers who are qualified and "Active" SA Holders at the time of a bid solicitation is issued are eligible to be invited to that bid.

A. Supply Arrangement (SA)

1. Arrangement

Solutions Based Informatics Professional Services "SBIPS", or the "Services" refer to a requirement comprised mainly of Information Technology (IT) services and, in certain situations, essential goods, through which a Supplier delivers a solution to a requirement, phase or project, manages the overall requirement, phase or project and accepts responsibility/risk for the outcome. A SBIPS requirement is meant to produce a self standing outcome-driven result. Such result does not require any further work and could be used as a reference for future requirements, phases or projects.

The Supply Arrangement includes only those Services described in the Requirements for Services at Annex A "SBIPS Streams of Expertise and Definitions", which are also identified at Annex D "SBIPS SA Holder's Eligible Streams of Expertise, Regions and Metropolitan Areas".

2. Security Requirement

  1. The Supplier must hold, at minimum, a valid Designated Organization Screening (DOS) issued by the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) as specified below in order to become and remain an SA Holder. The Supply Arrangement Authority may verify the Supplier's security clearance with CISD of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) at any time during the period of the Supply Arrangement.
  2. The requirements to be procured under this Supply Arrangement are subject to the requirements in the Security Requirement Check Lists (SRCL's) identified in each individual bid solicitation. Samples of possible SRCL's are located at Common Centralized Professional Services: Security Requirement Checklists (SRCLs), but other SRCL's may be used. Each bid solicitation will identify the SRCL that will apply to any resulting contract.
  3. Subcontracts which contain security requirements are not to be awarded without the prior written permission of CISD/PWGSC.
  4. In the case of joint ventures, for any given resulting contract the highest level of corporate security attainable through CISD of PWGSC is the lowest level held by any single member of the joint venture. For example, a joint venture with five (5) members is comprised of four (4) members holding a valid Facility Security Clearance (FSC) at the Secret level and one member holding a valid Designated Organizational Screening (DOS) level. The highest corporate security level for which the joint venture would be considered under a bid solicitation run under this Supply Arrangement would be DOS until such time as the member holding a valid DOS clearance has requested sponsorship via the Supply Arrangement Authority and obtained a valid FSC at the Secret level, as issued by CISD. FSC Secret is the highest level of security the SA Authority will sponsor.
  5. Additional Security Checks may be conducted by the Identified User.

3. Standard Instructions, Clauses and Conditions

All clauses and conditions identified in the Supply Arrangement and resulting contract(s) by number, date and title are set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).

3.1 General Conditions

2020 (2014-03-01) General Conditions, Supply Arrangement - Goods or Services, apply to and form part of the Supply Arrangement.

4. Supply Arrangement Reporting

The Supplier must compile and maintain records on its provision of solution-based professional services to the federal government including any goods provided to support these professional services to the federal government under contract resulting from the Supply Arrangement. This data must include all purchases paid for by a Government of Canada Acquisition Card.

Canada will provide a report template which must be submitted at the end of each quarter. All data fields of the report must be completed as requested. If some data is not available, the reason must be indicated. If no goods or services are provided during a given period, the Supplier must still provide a 'NIL' report.

The date must be submitted on a quarterly basis to the Supply Arrangement Authority. Electronic reports must be completed and forwarded to the Supply Arrangement Authority, no later than 15 calendar days after the end of the quarterly report.

The Quarterly periods are defined as follows:

  • Q1: April 1 to June 30 due July 15
  • Q2: July 1 to September 30 due October 15
  • Q3: October 1 to December 31 due January 15
  • Q4: January 1 to March 31 due April 15

Failure to provide fully completed reports in accordance with the above instructions may result in the suspension or cancellation of the Supply Arrangement and/or the application of a vendor performance corrective measure.

5. Term of Supply Arrangement

5.1 Period of Supply Arrangement

The period begins from the date of issuance as stated on page 1 of the SA and ends with the award of the next re-compete process.

5.2 Bid Solicitation

It is intended that this bid solicitation follow the guidelines set out by PWGSC' Professional Services National Procurement Strategy; however those guidelines are not incorporated into this document. The bid solicitation documents contain all the requirements relating to the bid solicitation. Any other information or documentation provided to or obtained by a bidder from any source is not relevant.

In as much as possible, PWGSC will issue a bid solicitation intended to replace the Supply Arrangements for the Services on an annual basis, although PWGSC reserves the right to choose to proceed with a different procurement vehicle for the requirement if it considers such action appropriate. Each such recompetition requires all bidders including those who may have received instruments under the previous solicitation, to submit a bid in response to the bid solicitation in order to continue to provide services under its resulting Supply Arrangements.

Three Refreshes

After the date of issuance of the Supply Arrangements, three refreshes process will be initiated which enables the pre-qualification of new suppliers and/or further pre-qualification to add streams and/or Tier and/or regions for existing Suppliers already included in the ePortal of the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS).

Canada reserves the right to issue supply arrangements to bidders who qualify throughout the entire period of the Supply Arrangement. Evaluations of such arrangements will be processed three time a year (refreshes).

6. Authorities

6.1 Supply Arrangement Authority

The Supply Arrangement Authority is:

  • Name: Manager of the Informatics Methods of Supply (IMOS)
  • Department: Public Works and Government Services Canada
  • Branch: Acquisitions Branch
  • Directorate: Informatics and Telecommunications Systems Procurement Directorate
  • Address: Place du Portage, Phase III, 4C1, 11 Laurier Street, Gatineau, Québec, K1A 0S5
  • Telephone: 1-866 930-4667 or 819-934-4667
  • Facsimile: 819-956-7827
  • Email:

The Supply Arrangement Authority (or an authorized representative) is responsible for the establishment of the Supply Arrangement, its administration and its revision, if applicable. Upon the issuance of a bid solicitation under the Supply Arrangement, that solicitation's Contracting Authority is responsible for any contractual issues relating to the contract solicited. Any changes to the Supply Arrangement must be authorized in writing by the Supply Arrangement Authority.

6.2 Supplier Representative(s)

This individual is the central point of contact within the Supplier for all matters pertaining to this Supply Arrangement. The Supplier confirms that this individual has the authority to bind the Supplier. It is the Supplier's sole responsibility to ensure that the information related to the Supplier Representative is correct. If a replacement or a new Supplier Representative is required the Supplier will:

  1. update its information in CPSS, and
  2. inform the Supply Arrangement Authority by e-mail at

[Note to Supplier: The Name, Title, Telephone Number, Facsimile Number, Address and Email is as per your arrangement and is available to be viewed by Clients via the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) website]

The Supplier may designate another individual to represent the Supplier for administrative and technical purposes under any contract resulting from this Supply Arrangement.

6.3 Supplier's information (maintenance of tombstone data in CPSS)

Suppliers are responsible for the maintenance of their tombstone data in CPSS. Suppliers must also safeguard the credentials released to the Main Supplier Contact (MSC) and supplier's Contacts that enable access to the Supplier Module. Canada will not delay or cancel any solicitation or Call-up process due to a supplier's inability to access, modify or validate such credentials, or because of any claim that such credentials were used without proper Authorization.

7. Clients/Identified Users

The Identified Users (also called Clients) include any government department, agency, or crown corporation listed in Schedules I, I.1, II, III, IV, and V of the Financial Administration Act, R.S., 1985, c.F-11 and any other party for which the Department of Public Works and Government Services has been authorized to act from time to time under section 16 of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act and Shared Services Canada (SSC) acting on its own behalf.

8. Priority of Documents

If there is a discrepancy between the wordings of any documents that appear on the list of documents below, the wording of the document that first appears on the list has priority over the wording of any document that subsequently appears.

  1. The articles of the Supply Arrangement;
  2. The General Conditions 2020 (2014-03-01), General Conditions - Supply Arrangement - Goods or Services
  3. Attachment "B" to the SBIPS Supply Arrangement: SBIPS SA Holder's Eligible Streams of Expertise, Regions and Metropolitan Areas
  4. Attachment "A" to the SBIPS Supply Arrangement: SBIPS Streams of Expertise and Definitions
  5. Generic Security Requirements Check Lists
  6. Sample Quarterly Usage Report Template
  7. Client Satisfaction Form
  8. Model Bid Solicitation
  9. Model Resulting Contract
  10. The Supplier's arrangement received against the SBIPS RFSA.

9. Certifications

The continuous compliance with the certifications provided by the Supplier in its arrangement and the ongoing co-operation in providing associated information are conditions of issuance of the Supply Arrangement (SA). Certifications are subject to verification by Canada during entire period of the SA and of any resulting contract that would continue beyond the period of the SA. If the Supplier does not comply with any certification, fails to provide the associated information, or if it is determined that any certification made by the Supplier in the arrangement is untrue, whether made knowingly or unknowingly, Canada has the right to terminate any resulting contract for default and suspend or cancel the Supply Arrangement.

10. Applicable Laws

The Supply Arrangement and any contract resulting from the Supply Arrangement must be interpreted and governed and the relations between the parties determined, by the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada unless otherwise stipulated in the supplier's arrangement response to the RFSA.

11. Suspension or Cancellation of Qualification by Canada

In addition to the circumstances identified in 2020 09, Canada may, by sending written notice to the Supplier, suspend or cancel the Supply Arrangement where the Supplier has made public any information that conflicts with the terms, conditions, pricing or availability of systems identified in this Supply Arrangement, or where the Supplier is in default in carrying out any of its obligations under this Supply Arrangement.

12. Aboriginal Business Certification

Where an Aboriginal Business Certification has been provided, the Supplier warrants that its certification of compliance is accurate and complete in accordance with the "Requirement for the Set-aside Program for Aboriginal business" details in Annex 9.4 of the Supply Manual.

If such a Certification has been provided, the Supplier must keep proper records and documentation relating to the accuracy of the certification provided to Canada. The Contractor must obtain the written consent of the Contracting Authority before disposing of any such records or documentation before the expiration of six (6) years after final payment under the Contract, or until settlement of all outstanding claims and disputes, under the Contract, whichever is later. All such records and documentation must at all times during the retention period be open to audit by the representatives of Canada, who may make copies and take extracts. The Supplier must provide all reasonably required facilities for any audits.

Nothing in this clause must be interpreted as limiting the rights and remedies which Canada may otherwise have pursuant to the Contract.

13. Delivery Requirement Outside a Comprehensive Land Claims Settlement Area (CLCSA)

The Supply Arrangement is not to be used for deliveries within a Comprehensive Land Claims Settlement Area (CLCSA). All requirements for delivery within a CLCSA are to be submitted to the Department of Public Works and Government Services for individual processing.

14. Controlled Goods (if applicable)

It is anticipated that some requirements may incorporate Controlled Goods. Supplier wishing to provide SBIPS under these requirements will need to be registered under the Controlled Goods Program.

As the Contract requires production of or access to controlled goods that are subject to the Defence Production Act, R.S. 1985, c.D-1, the Supplier and any subcontractor are advised that, within Canada, only persons who are registered, exempt or excluded under the Controlled Goods Program (CGP) are lawfully entitled to examine, possess or transfer controlled goods. Details on how to register under the CGP are available at: Controlled Goods Program.

When the Supplier and any subcontractor proposed to examine, possess or transfer controlled goods are not registered, exempt or excluded under the CGP at time of Supply Arrangement Issuance, the Supplier and any subcontractor must, within seven (7) working days from receipt of written notification of the Supply Arrangement Issuance, ensure that the required arrangement(s) for registration or exemption are submitted to the CGP. No examination, possession or transfer of controlled goods must be performed until the Supplier has provided proof, satisfactory to the Contracting Authority, that the Supplier and any subcontractor are registered, exempt or excluded under the CGP.

Failure of the Supplier to provide proof, satisfactory to the Contracting Authority, that the Supplier and any subcontractor are registered, exempt or excluded under the CGP, within thirty (30) days from receipt of written notification of Supply Arrangement Issuance, will be considered a default under the Supply Arrangement except to the extent that Canada is responsible for the failure due to delay in processing the Arrangement.

The Supplier and any subcontractor must maintain registration, exemption or exclusion from the CGP for the duration of the Supply Arrangement and in any event for so long as they will examine, possess or transfer controlled goods.

15. Insurance

  1. The Supplier must comply with any insurance requirements specified in bid solicitations under the SBIPS SA and subsequent resulting contracts.
  2. The Supplier must maintain the required insurance coverage for the duration of the Supply Arrangement for Tier 2 Supply Arrangements. Compliance with the insurance requirements does not release the Supplier from or reduce its liability under the Supply Arrangement.
  3. The Supplier is responsible for deciding if additional insurance coverage is necessary to fulfill its obligation under the Supply Arrangement and to ensure compliance with any applicable law. Any additional insurance coverage is at the Supplier's expense, and for its own benefit and protection.

16. Environmental Considerations

As part of Canada's policy directing federal departments and agencies to take the necessary steps to acquire products and services that have a lower impact on the environment than those traditionally acquired, Suppliers should:

  1. Paper consumption
    • Provide and transmit draft reports, final reports, other documents and bids in electronic format. Should printed material be required, double sided printing in black and white format is the default unless otherwise specified by the Identifed User.
    • Printed material is requested on minimum recycled content of 30% and/or certified as originating from a sustainably managed forest.
    • Recycle unneeded printed documents (in accordance with Security Requirements).
  2. Travel requirements
    • The Supplier is encouraged to use video and/or teleconferencing where possible to cut down unnecessary travel.
    • Use of Properties with Environmental Ratings: Contractors to the Government of Canada may access the PWGSC Accommodation directory, which includes Eco-Rated properties. When searching for accommodation, contractors can go to that link and search for properties with Environmental Ratings, identified by Green Keys or Green Leafs that will honour the pricing for contractors. Accommodation - 30 days or less
    • Use of public/green transit where feasible.

17. Travel and Living

The Travel and Living expenses are calculated differently between the Regions and Metropolitan areas and this may affect the total cost of a Professional Services Supply Arrangement requirement. Accordingly, if any contract resulting from a solicitation let under this supply arrangement permits payment to a Contractor in its basis of payment for Travel and Living expenses, such expense will only be reimbursed in accordance with the information provided at the following CPSS link: Definitions of the National Zone, Regions and Metropolitan Areas.

18. Regions and Metropolitan Areas

Regions Metropolitan Areas
National Zone  
Atlantic Halifax, Moncton
Quebec Montreal, Quebec City
Ontario Toronto
Western Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg
Pacific Vancouver, Victoria
National Capital National Capital Region

B. Bid Solicitation

1. Bid Solicitation Documents

Canada will use a SBIPS Request for Proposal (RFP) model based on the bid solicitation template 2T-HIGH1, available in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual as the basis for issuing bid solicitations under this Supply Arrangement (SA) and as provided in 6C below. Each bid solicitation will contain at a minimum the following:

  1. security requirements (if applicable);
  2. a complete description of the Work to be performed;
  3. 2003, Standard Instructions - Goods or Services - Competitive Requirements; or 2004, Standard Instruction - Goods or Services - Non-competitive Requirements;
  4. bid preparation instructions;
  5. instructions for the submission of bids (address for submission of bids, bid closing date and time);
  6. evaluation procedures and basis of selection;
  7. financial capability (if applicable); and
  8. certifications:
    • Federal Contractors Program (FCP) for Employment Equity - Notification
    • SACC Manual A3005T, A3010T for service requirements when specific individuals will be proposed for the work;
    • Integrity Provisions - Associated Information.
    • By submitting a bid, the Bidder certifies that the Bidder and its Affiliates are in compliance with the provision as stated in Section 01 Integrity Provisions - Bid of Standard instructions 2003. The associated information required within the Integrity Provisions will assist Canada in confirming that the certifications are true.
  9. Conditions of the resulting contract.

2. Bid Solicitation Process

2.1 General

Bids will be solicited for specific requirements within the scope of the Supply Arrangement (SA) from qualified Suppliers who have been issued a SA.

The bid solicitation will be posted on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS) (or as applicable with a Government of Canada (GC) web-based electronic procurement tool) or will be sent by email directly to suppliers depending on the selection methodology selected.

Canada may consolidate requirements across Clients and award contracts on a periodic basis to receive best or better pricing.

2.2 RFP Content

Individual solicitations will be based on the requirements of the Clients for whom the Services will be performed, and will describe the requirements of a specific project, including the appropriate Stream of Expertise, Tier, Region and Metropolitan Area. The award of the Contract may be made by assessing requirements and corporate or resource qualifications such as insurance coverage, security level, individual consultant experience. All such requirements will be further described in each individual RFP.

2.3 Proposal Submission

The selected SA Holders will be invited to submit a proposal via the GC electronic procurement tool (or to the Contracting Authority as instructed in the SBIPS SA RFP, until such time as the electronic procurement tool is available). Based on the templates provided, the proposal may include electronic response templates for mandatory, rated and/or financial criteria, and mandatory certifications.

Only suppliers who are qualified SA Holders at the time individual solicitations are issued are eligible to compete. In addition to being a SA Holder, in order to submit a proposal, a SA Holder must:

  1. Be qualified in each Tier, Region, Metropolitan Area and for the Stream of Expertise that are the subject of the solicitation, unless otherwise stated in the solicitation, at the time the solicitation is issued; and
  2. Have the required security clearance level at the time the solicitation is issued.
2.4 Evaluation of the Proposal:

The Client will evaluate the qualifications and experience of the SA Holder against the requirements set out in the SBIPS SA RFP and as represented in the SA Holders proposal.

2.5 Evaluation of Price and Basis of Selection:

The SA Holders price will be evaluated in accordance with the requirements as set out in the SBIPS RFP and as presented in the SA Holders (bidders) Financial Proposal. Identification of the recommended SA Holder will be determined through the selection method identified in the SBIPS SA RFP. Canada reserves the right to evaluate individual solicitations issued under the SA framework on the basis of:

  1. the lowest priced compliant bid;
  2. point rated criteria which consider technical merit and price; or
  3. some other evaluation method to be defined in the applicable SBIPS SA RFP.
2.6 Issuance of Contracts

In accordance with the method of selection stated in the SBIPS SA RFP, a Contract will be issued by the Contracting Authority to authorize the SA Holder to proceed with the Services. The SA Holder will not undertake any of the specified Services unless and until a Contract is authorized by the Contracting Authority. The SA Holder must sign and return a copy of the Contract to the Contracting Authority. It is understood and agreed that the SA Holder must not commence any Services until authorized by the Contracting Authority.

2.7 Identification of Contract Authorities

Provided a Client has the legal authority to contract, it may choose to award contracts under this Supply Arrangement in accordance with the Tier 1 Contract Limitations described below. All Tier 2 contracts and those contracts for clients without authority to contract under Tier 1 will be managed by PWGSC or Shared Services Canada (SSC). The Supplier agrees only to perform individual contracts made by an authorized representative of Canada pursuant to this Supply Arrangement that do not exceed the applicable Contract Authority value Limitations.

  Requirement Value
(Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) included)
Contracting Authority
Tier 1 Requirements up to and including $2M Client/ PWGSC/SSC
Tier 2 Requirements greater than $2M PWGSC/SSC
2.8 Tier 1 Requirement Limitations

Clients may award contracts to pre-qualified Suppliers in the applicable Stream, Region, and Metropolitan Area, that best satisfies all the requirement particulars as set out in the bid solicitation, in accordance with the following:

a. Requirement valued below $25,000 (GST/HST included):

Clients may direct a contract to an eligible Supplier in accordance with the Government Contract Regulations.

b. Requirement valued at or below North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Threshold (GST/HST included):

Clients may issue a contract using this SA to pre-qualified Supplier satisfying the requirement particulars as set out in a bid solicitation in accordance with the following: a minimum of two Suppliers must be invited to submit a proposal via e-mail, with the Client (Identified User):

  1. selecting by name two Suppliers from the CPSS Client Module, or
  2. selecting by name one Supplier from the CPSS Client Module with the second Supplier randomly selected by the CPSS Client Module, or
  3. not selecting any Supplier by name in which case, the CPSS Client Module will randomly select two Suppliers.
c. Requirement Valued Above NAFTA Threshold (GST/HST included):

Clients may issue a contract to pre-qualified Supplier satisfying the requirement particulars as set out in the bid solicitation in accordance with the following: a minimum of fifteen Suppliers must be invited via e-mail to submit a proposal, with the Client:

  1. selecting by name ten Suppliers from the CPSS Client Module, with the following five randomly selected by the CPSS Client Module, or
  2. selecting more than ten Suppliers from the Client Module, in which case five additional Suppliers will be randomly selected by the CPSS Client Module, or
  3. selecting less than ten Suppliers from the Client Module, in which case the CPSS Client Module will randomly select a number of Suppliers that, in addition to the Suppliers selected by the Client, will total fifteen.

A Notice of Procurement (NPP) will be posted on GETS for all requirements above NAFTA.

Note: If the number of Suppliers that meet the requirement is less than fifteen, all Suppliers will be automatically selected.

d. No Limit to Invitation Process:

Once the minimum of Suppliers has been selected as per (ii) or (iii) above, at any time during the course of the procurement process the Client may choose to invite additional Suppliers using the CPSS Client Module. There is no limit to the maximum number of Suppliers that may be invited to submit a proposal under Tier 1; however, excepting the circumstances of 2.10 below, Suppliers may not submit a proposal in response to a solicitation unless they have been invited to do so. However, should an uninvited SA Holder wish to be invited, it may contact the Contracting Authority to request an invitation at any time prior to five days before the published bid closing date, and an invitation will be made to that SA Holder unless it would not be consistent with the efficient operation of the procurement system. In no circumstance will such an invitation require Canada to extend a bid closing date. Where additional invitations are made during the solicitation process, they may not be reflected in a bid solicitation amendment.

e. Minimum Period to submit proposal:

At a minimum, each Tier 1 bid solicitation issued will provide Suppliers with the following minimum number of calendar days to submit their proposal, which time may be extended based upon a requirement's complexity:

  1. Requirements less than or equal to the NAFTA threshold = five calendar days; and
  2. Requirements greater than the NAFTA threshold up to and including $2M = fifteen calendar days.
2.9. Tier 2 - Requirements value over $2,000,000 or Client department's contracting authority limit

Tier 2 requirements will be managed by a PWGSC Procurement Representative, on behalf of the Client, or SSC on its own behalf in accordance with the following:

2.9.1 Tier 2 Invitation of SA Holders:

Canada will invite through GETS all qualified Tier 2 Suppliers to submit a proposal in response to a bid solicitation. It will be the responsibility of all Tier 2 SA Holders to access GETS on a continuous basis to ensure they are kept informed of the various Tier 2 requirements available.

2.9.2 Minimum Period to submit proposal:

As a minimum, each Tier 2 bid solicitation will provide qualified Suppliers with twenty (20) calendar days to submit their proposal, which may be extended based on a requirement's complexity.

2.10 All Suppliers Invited to Bid

For a requirement in either Tier, all Suppliers qualified in each relevant Stream, Region and Metropolitan Area will be invited by e-mail or GETS to bid where any supplier has been provided with a request for information in respect of services that in whole or in part appear in the requirement to be solicited under this SA.

2.11 Disclosing of incumbent information

By submitting a bid, the Bidder agrees that during a solicitation under this supply arrangement, if the Bidder has performed services for Canada under any current or past SBIPS instrument, Canada may disclose such fact (including the previous contract value and date of issuance) during any such solicitation for replacement or follow-on services.

C. Resulting Contract Clauses

The conditions of any contract awarded under the Supply Arrangement will be in accordance with the resulting contract clauses of the SBIPS RFP model, based on the SACC manual template 2T-HIGH1 (for higher complexity requirements) and general conditions 2035 (2014-03-01). These model resulting contract clauses contain samples of the terms that will form the basis for any future resulting contracts under the Solutions-Based Informatics Professional Services (SBIPS) Supply Arrangement method of supply.

The above template is set out in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

To the extent possible, these Articles are written as they will appear in any future SBIPS Supply Arrangement resulting contracts, however, individual resulting contract clauses may be modified to suitindividual Client requirements. For example, the term of the resulting contract and the basis of payment clauses may all be tailored to individual Client requirements.

It is a mandatory requirement of this SBIPS RFSA solicitation that the bidder accepts in their entirety these Articles as they appear in the SACC manual template 2T-HIGH1 (for higher complexity requirements) and general conditions 2035 (2014-03-01), to be used in bid solicitations resulting from the SBIPS Supply Arrangement as indicated below. By submitting an arrangement the supplier accepts these Articles in their entirety.

The statement of work and basis of payment are specific to the requirement and will be determined by the Identified User.