Offering your interpretation services in Aboriginal or foreign languages

To offer the Translation Bureau your interpretation services in Aboriginal or foreign languages as a self-employed individual, freelancer or firm, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Meet the eligibility criteria
  2. Obtain your Canada Revenue Agency business number and your procurement business number
  3. Apply for registration in the Translation Bureau’s directory of linguistic services suppliers
  4. Pass the Translation Bureau’s accreditation exam

Note: Reliability or security clearance

Suppliers themselves cannot request reliability or security clearance. They must be sponsored by a federal department. Only after they have passed the Translation Bureau’s accreditation exam or been registered in its directory of suppliers can the Translation Bureau sponsor them if it finds that they need such clearance.

1. Meet the eligibility criteria

You must ensure that you meet one of the following eligibility criteria:


If you are a firm, you must ensure that each proposed resource meets the eligibility criteria.

2. Obtain your Canada Revenue Agency business number and your procurement business number

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you must obtain the following required numbers:

Canada Revenue Agency business number

The business number (BN) is a numbering system that streamlines the way businesses deal with the federal government. If you have a Goods and Services Tax (GST) number or a Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) number, you already have a business number. The first nine digits of your GST/HST number constitute your business number (such as 123456789RT0001). This number is required to obtain your procurement business number (PBN).

To obtain your BN, you have to complete form RC1 Request for a Business Number (Canada Revenue Agency).

For more information on the business number:

Procurement business number

To obtain a procurement business number (PBN), you must register with the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system, a database of registered suppliers who want to do business with the federal government, or call 1‑800‑811‑1148 (and select option # 2 for assistance regarding the SRI).

3. Apply for registration in the Translation Bureau’s directory of linguistic services suppliers

After obtaining your business number (BN) and your procurement business number (PBN), complete and submit the registration form for the Translation Bureau’s directory of linguistic services suppliers online, or print it and send it to the Translation Bureau by email (in scanned format), by fax or by mail.


Remember to attach the supporting documents required according to the services being offered. (Meet the eligibility criteria)

If you are offering your services as a firm, you must provide the name of and the supporting documents for each candidate on your team.

4. Pass the Translation Bureau’s accreditation exam

If upon review, your file is found to be complete and if you meet the eligibility criteria, the Translation Bureau will contact you to invite you to write the accreditation exam and inform you of upcoming exam dates.


If you are offering your services as a firm, each candidate on your team must pass the accreditation exam.


If you fail the exam, you must wait 12 months before retaking it for the same language combinations.

Related links


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