Directive on airport authorities

1. Effective date

The Directive takes effect on May 17, 2016.

2. Application

This Directive applies to all government departments and agencies that have a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to implement the Ineligibility and Suspension Policy and the integrity clauses.

3. Context

The Ineligibility and Suspension Policy enables Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to issue Directives with respect to any aspect of the policy. Directives are used for such purposes as elaborating on or clarifying aspects of the policy, such as establishing monetary thresholds for, or identifying classes of contracts and real property agreements excluded from, application of the policy.

4. Directive statement

4.1 Objective

To exclude all real property agreements entered into with airport authorities by the Government of Canada from the application of the Ineligibility and Suspension Policy and the integrity clauses. 

Real property authorities are not to perform an integrity verification for this class of real property agreements.

4.2 Expected results

This exclusion from the application of the policy, taking into consideration the unique nature and location, will ensure that federal departments and agencies can preserve access to maintain mandatory program activities at federally-owned airports.

5. Definitions

5.1 Airport authority

An “airport authority” is defined to mean a corporation operating federally-owned airports that are leased to them.

6. Requirements

The Ineligibility and Suspension Policy and integrity clauses do not apply to real property agreements entered into with airport authorities by the Government of Canada.

7. Inquiries

If you have questions related to this Directive, please contact the Integrity Regime Team:

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