Preparing to discuss a conflict with a conflict management practitioner
Preparing for a discussion with a conflict management practitioner is an important step to resolving the dispute. A practitioner is a neutral third party who assists people in alternative dispute resolution processes. He or she is there to help you effectively manage the conflict and to assist you in developing productive outcomes.
When preparing for a discussion with a practitioner, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Discussions and conflict management processes are private
- Practitioners keep information shared during discussions private unless given permission to do otherwise
2. Reflect on the conflict
- What is the issue?
- What are your concerns about this issue?
- Why are these important to you?
- What are the consequences of this issue if unresolved?
- What do you hope will improve?
- What are the barriers to improving the issue?
- What are the non-financial costs (such as time, resources and energy) of this issue if unresolved?
- Have there been attempts at dialogue?
- If so, what happened?
3. Prepare a list of questions
- What questions do you have about conflict management and its processes?
4. Who will be involved in the conflict management process
- Who will be involved in the situation?
- Who else should be involved?